Okay, AndyT13 had this on his blog so I'll bite. I don't have anything much to say tonight so here goes.
2 moments in your life you’d like to erase1.Standing in the cemetary staring in disbelief at my father's coffin in the ground.
2.The night of his accident; okay, so I wasn't there, but it still effected my life hugely, as well as the lives of everyone around me, so it counts as a moment in my life.
4 moments I like to relive1.The first time I set eyes on my newborn daughter
2.The most special intimate times with the loves of my life (tho' I'm married now, so that wouldn't be right)
3.The first time I saw the view from the top of a mountain
4.My first trip to Rocky Mountain National Park (heaven on earth!)
2 places you wouldn’t want to go again1.My old High School during the 80's
2.To one of the most heartbreaking times of my life back in 2003, when I broke up with the guy I'd thought was "the one".
4 places you can’t wait to visit/visit again1.Colorado
3.Back home (Massachusetts)
4.Israel (yeah, I know that right about now that's fairly crazy)
2 foods you can’t stand1.Pulled pork sandwiches
2.Meat if it isn't cooked right (ie, dried out, overcooked steak)
4 foods you love1.Pizza
3.ice cream
4.Big gooey cheeseburgers with fries
2 current songs that make you change the stationI can't think of anything, but I'm not a big fan of top 40 or a lot of what they play on the dance/rock stations here in Florida. I search out what I like in record stores and play what I want on my cd player.
4 current songs you play over and over1. Marvin Gaye: Let's Get It On
2. Anything by U2
3.Black 47 (pretty much everything they do is cool)
4.Any of the many Irish music cds currently in my possession
(so, I know that none of this is current, so to speak, but it's what I like)
2 books you’d never finish/read againI can't think of any titles although I know that I've dumped quite a few books after reading a couple of chapters and flipping ahead to realize they were never, in a million years, going to hold my interest. The thing is, if the book didn't captivate me enough to keep reading, why would I remember the title?
4 books you have read more than once1. "Toward a Meaningful Life"
2."Rebel Hearts" (about the IRA and the troubles in Ireland)
3."Whoredom in Kimmage" (about the travels of an Irish American woman in Ireland)
4.the Torah
Current mood: Content and sleepy