Thursday, October 05, 2006

Blah blah blah

Some days you gotta have attitude. Today, I feel pretty good. I met a girl friend of mine at the park with her kids and they and Little R played and ate lunch while she and I talked and hung out and played with them. It's nice to have another Mom around to talk with once in awhile. Yesterday I took Little One to a Mommy event at a book store which turned out to be miles and miles away from where we live, but it was worth the drive because when we got there she was excited to see the other kids. Focusing on her takes my mind away from all of the awful stuff going on in places near and far (and there always seems to be something awful going on, doesn't there?) and keeps me solidly grounded in the moment, which is where I need to be if I want to stay sane. The recent holidays made me think a lot about my Dad, but in a good way. I didn't focus so much on the sadness of missing him but rather on the happiness of all he gave me just by being my Dad. I actually feel very positive; the new year has made me feel like I can make the changes I've been wanting to make; somehow I feel a renewed energy to initiate positive action. I liked this picture because, hey, deep down inside I'm still a biker baby. I don't get to ride too much anymore, but once in awhile I still get the chance to feel the wind in my hair. I've been on motorcycles since I could walk (my Dad used to set me on the tank of his bike and tool around the block with me-this was before the days when people would freak out if they saw you do something like that, the days when I used ride to the store sitting on the middle console of my father's '65 Cutlass Olds). I think biking gets into the blood. You don't magically transform into a biker just because you've donned a black t shirt and a cool pair of jeans; you don't become a biker just because you've purchased a motorcycle, Harley Davidson or otherwise. My former boy friend was part of an mc down here, and one of the guys in his club once asked me how I could make his girlfriend feel as relaxed on a motorcycle as I was. She was terrified and not enjoying the whole riding experience very much. I laughed and told him it was just a part of who I was, just the way it had always been, and that I never "learned" how to love riding, so I couldn't teach someone else how to love it. Besides, how do you explain the joy of getting bugs in your teeth to a girl who's afraid to mess up her hair???

1 comment:

AndyT13 said...

Hey sweet thing. Cute pic. I'm back from Texas and feeling pretty shot. Vacation is supposed to reejuvenate you but I always come back totalled. Blah. I hope you're well.