Thursday, October 12, 2006

It's my baby's birthday today. The big 2!!! Hard to believe that two years ago today we were in the hospital and she was brand new!!!!! We're just having a little soiree for her tonight, a few friends and some cake and ice cream. We'll tip back some strong coffee and do the gift thing. Well, little R will be tipping back some milk; we'll be enjoying the coffee....Have a great almost weekend day y'all!!!


Mary Ann said...

Hi Starfairie! Not sure if you remember me........but hope you do! It's a blast from your college days. I have seen you on Andy's blog page and have been meaning to write and say hello, but haven't had a chance to "create" a blog account until today. and then I went to your page and see that today is your daughter's birthday. Wow! What a cutie. Happy birthday to you both!!! Love to catch up sometime soon and hope you remember me (and Jim)from your New Bedford days. my email address is
Well, I just wanted to say hello and keep in touch with old friends.
Mary Ann

Winterswan said...

Wow!!!! Yes, I definitely remember you!!! Great to hear from you and I will for sure email you. Wow, a blast from wilder days!