Tuesday, March 24, 2009


I've been very bad about keeping up here. =( Life has been hectic, and with moving going on this weekend (yay!!!!) life is even more hectic! It's great though; I'm happy that we're moving, that we were able to finance a home that is much nicer than what we'd initially thought we'd be able to buy, that our daughter will have a yard, a dog and some friends her age next door. The Goddess is really working in our lives and for that (and so many other things) I'm grateful.

Here's a link, if you feel like popping over: http://suburbangreenwitch.blogspot.com/

I'll try to be a little better about posting; time is always in short supply around here!

Sunday, March 01, 2009

A Day at the Beach

My family and I enjoyed a wonderful day today, celebrating the marriage of some good friends, splashing around in the ocean, running around on the beach, and just celebrating the sunshine and cool breezes. Thunderstorms had been predicted for later in the day, but although we saw some very large dark clouds, the rains never moved in. I hope that the skies decide to open up tomorrow, however, as everything is very dry and we are in desperate need of some quenching. Days like this make me happy that I live in Florida; my relatives up north are cold, tired of the snow, and eager for spring to make her annual appearance. While I miss New England and miss being close in proximity to my family, I've grown accustomed to living here, and it doesn't look like we'll be leaving any time soon.
On that note, the new house closing date in this Tuesday. I hope, hope, hope that this time it "takes". Hubby and I are anxious to begin the tasks of cleaning, installing appliances and laying down new tiles in the living room (more on that later). Once we've closed and the termite tenting has been done, I will do the same blessing over the house that I did when we moved into our current residence. It seemed to have worked nicely and it made our house feel "clearer". Plus, I love doing that first little majical thing in a home. It's the beginning of making it our own, of giving it that first glimmer of a sparkle. I burned down the last of my house candle a few weeks ago; now it's up to the bank to let us close (and the universe to decide what's going to happen).
I hope everyone had a good weekend. Until next time, Goddess bless!!!