Sunday, October 15, 2006

Yay, we found a place!!!

We found a place; a really nice place!!!! We were bumming out because we'd turned down a killer condo on the beach due to some logistical problems, but I'm convinced that God is in charge and that He had this place in mind for us instead. We ended up renting a townhome in a nice community with a playground and a swimming pool. It's close to where we live now and close to the highway and it was within our price range. Phew!!!! Now at least when we're packing we'll know where we're moving the boxes to. We picked up some paint yesterday and I'm going to start painting some of the walls; I am so tired of living in white rooms. Some color please!!!! We had lunch yesterday with another couple who is searching for a new place and she offered to help me do some painting. The place is kind of dirty; really dirty, actually. The guy who lived there before us wasn't the cleanest of dudes, but the owner is letting us start moving and painting now so I don't mind doing the cleaning. It gives us time to move and to get the place more or less set up the way we want it to be. The other cool thing is that the place is a three bedroom, which means we'll have an office/studio space. This is important since the kitten has been eyeballing my canvas (just the one I'm working on, of course) and I need to have a room on which I can shut the door to keep out intruders! I'm very happy and relieved today!

1 comment:

AndyT13 said...

Congratulations sweetie! Rock on!