Sunday, June 04, 2006


My heart hurts today. On the one hand, it was a good weekend. My hubby's parents were in town this weekend and we spent a lot of time with them. Little Bug got to hang with her grandparents and she really took to them, and right away. They were so excited to be around her and it was great watching her with them. They even had a chance to spend some time alone with her while we went to a couple of meetings. This morning the baby and I were both baptized, and I felt like I'd returned to my Catholic roots and feel whole again. Conversely, it was a rough weekend. Some business issues have come up and we need to make some serious decisions about people we have working for us. Sometimes people don't want to help themselves and, at that point, they are beyond help until the time comes when they realize they have a problem and surrender to some sort of recovery (and sometimes that time never arrives). A close girl friend of mine went out and drank yesterday, after I'd spent some time with her on the phone and thought I'd been able to help her to a point where she wasn't going to drink. I am very worried about her; I can't reach her by telephone and neither can anyone else, including her daughter. She is the baby's God Mother, and she was absent from the church this morning, but I refused to find someone else. I refuse to give up on her. But I'm really hurting inside over it, sick with the worry that comes when a friend starts ripping and running again. I know that she is feeling despair and sadness, remorse and regret right now and I wish I could make her feel better, I wish I could give her the gift of recovery. All I can do is pray for her and keep on the right path myself. I called her and left another message telling her that I love her and that I'm here for her. And she'll be in my prayers.

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