Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Post Halloween

Well, Halloween is over and we've finally managed to get everything moved over to our new house!!!! Hooray!!!! I haven't been online in awhile because it took a few days to get back up and running again. Thankfully it didn't take very long because I feel disconnected when I can't blog, email friends, etc. Plus, I use the internet for work. Little R was not impressed with Halloween. It was about 85 degrees here and humid last night; too hot for her lion costume although she did look adorable. She seemed very unimpressed with the various princesses, skeleton men and gouls we passed during our foray around the new neighborhood, and we decided against going to my girl friend's neighborhood because it didn't seem like it would be much fun for her. She reported having a huge crowd over there, but I think it might have just been overwhelming for our little one. So, we came back here and handed out some candy and ate dinner (our first home cooked meal at the new house) and called it a night!!! We still have some candy left, in addition to the candy Little R collected, and there is enough of it that she's too young to eat to make the situation here dangerous. It seems that I'm a chocoholic, among other things, and will have to exercise much restraint until all the yummies are gone!


AndyT13 said...

Halloween was such a huge
non-event for me. I went into the city, got my guitar worked on, my car got hit with a single egg, went out for Thai food, dropped off a couple of demos at bas and went home to read. Zzzzz! What happened to getting twisted, dressing up and being a goofball? Bah. I hate being single and sober. I was much happier as a drunken slut. OK, maybe not but still...Meh. Glad you had fun with the wee one.
Avoid Chocolate!

Winterswan said...

Oh God!! So trying to avoid chocolate. I have to be very strict with myself on that front. I have no desire to look like a Barba Poppa!!!

AndyT13 said...

I had to look up Barba Poppa.
Your French roots are showing! :-)
I keep expecting to see your work oin this blog. It says peace, love and paint but I never see any paint! I should talk, I haven't painted jack shit in ages.

Winterswan said...

You're right; I'm working on that now. I haven't been dedicating any time to my creativity and it's taken a toll as far as my sanity goes. I have to start dedicating myself to it like a real artist or I won't be able to stand being around myself anymore.