Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Happy Pre-Turkey Day

I am currently in the middle of making sweet potatoes for a party we're going to at a friend's house tonight. She is have 26 or so people over; among the guests is my ex boyfriend, his new girlfriend and their new baby. It might be a little bit weird but I hope it isn't awkward. The hard feelings are well gone by now, and I love my life so much that I'm actually grateful, in a way, that the new babe helped to end a relationship that really wasn't traveling to anyplace good anyway. I took the bubelah to the playground earlier and she is sleeping soundly, which is good because if she doesn't take a nap the party tonight (which starts at the late hour of 8:30pm) won't be much fun for us or anyone in our immediate vicinity. My computer is annoying the hell out of me. Why is it that when I have only a few minutes to blog (which is pretty much every time I sit down at the computer) I have some computer issue (it's too slow, it's not downloading a picture I want to use, etc. etc.)??? That said, I will not be uploading the picture of cartoon turkey I'd planned on sharing with you. Oy. I hope you all have a wonderful turkey day, although I do feel very badly for all the turkeys out there, real and otherwise.

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