Thursday, May 18, 2006

And the Debate Roars On

So, everyone is raving about this book. I, myself have not yet read it; I just finished "Angels and Demons" and found it to be a lot of fun. All around town, people are buzzing. At church on Sunday the priest called it a "bunch of crap". Josh Bernstein did a television special delving into the possibility that Jesus had a daughter and discovered that no only was there no scientific evidence to prove this theory, but also that the famed Priory of Sion was an organization dreamed up by Pierre Plantard who, incidentally, was not a man known for his honesty and integrity. Dan Brown has written a marvelous story (as I said, I've only heard discussions about it, but "Angels and Demons" was action packed and very imaginative) that is based very loosely on fact but is very much mostly fiction. I think he's probably enjoying the notoriety his book has acheived, and it's been fun delving into the mystery of it all, but enough already! It's fiction, people. F-I-C-T-I-O-N.

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