Thursday, May 25, 2006

Painting Fool

That's what I was this afternoon; I finally had some time this week to work on the painting for St. Francis. Ah, the smell of paint in the afternoon!!! I'm happy about the way it's coming along and I'm really enjoying working on it. It's just hard to find time; I think each day that I'll have an hour or two to paint, but then the baby doesn't take a nap, or somebody calls me and I answer the phone, or work stuff comes up, etc., etc.. Life rarely pays heed to the schedules we create. Now I'm about to give the baby a bath and read her a story. I'm happily tired and feel like I accomplished a lot today, despite that I felt very overwhelmed this morning, for some reason. Every once in awhile the depression threatens to creep in; it's like a grey veil that starts to drift over my head, and I have to make like I'm on a sailboat and blow, blow the negativity away with the winds of positive energy. My creativity is about the only thing that's really just mine these days, and it's important to me. I was so into the painting that I didn't even mind when my husband came home. Usually other people being around distracts me. Today, not so much! ::::PS-this picture is not my painting-it's beautiful but I can't take credit for it!

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