Friday, December 15, 2006

Hanukka First Night

Tonight is the first night of Hanukkah and I should NOT be sitting here on the computer. I have tons of cooking to do. The baby is taking her nap (she has a cold and naps are super important right now in order for her to get better) and N should be home soon. I'm making Hanukkah cookies, latkes, Russian vegetable soup and a roast (which needs to cook for three hours-ahem!!!). The Hanukkah dinner at the temple was sold out. I guess I waited too long to buy the tickets, as usual. In my own defense I didn't actually know about the dinner until a few days ago. It's been grey and rainy here for the past couple of days, but I don't mind. Once in awhile I like days like this. Florida enjoys so many days of sunshine that I believe a dark day now and again is good for the soul. I guess that, being Irish, my heart can't take too many opressively hot, sunshiny days. My soul needs to be re-greened by the rain. For all of you celebrating Hanukkah tonight, have a happy. For everyone else, have a great night also!!! Now I must go and starting cooking, or we won't be eating dinner until midnight!!!


Stealth said...

wow Star, so what did you end up cooking?

I partipated in Passover dinner once and was bitter...and herbey.

AndyT13 said...

It's just SO bizarre that you and Stealthy are blog buddies now.
*insert twilight zone music*
The night of this post my band played and it was great fun.
I had a killer cheeseburger. :-)
64 days. Still got a couch guest?

Winterswan said...

Our couch guest is gone, thankfully. I love him tons but I'm happy to have my couch free in the morning. I'm not such a morning person, ya know???