Sunday, December 31, 2006

Welcoming 2007

Happy New Year. What does it all mean? Another new year, another new resolution to do better in 2007, to be more organized in the business, more dedicated artistically, to get into better shape. Or, is it just another day? We make so much out of these holidays, but we can really start over again at any time. We don't need to have a new year on the calendar to get off our butts and do something about the intense dissatisfaction we feel over this, that, or something or other. Sometimes we use this "new year" stuff as a way to push off what we should be doing now. "I'll quit smoking when the new year comes around." "I'll lose that ten pounds." "I'll..." you get the idea. Which reminds me-I have a newspaper article I'm supposed to have finished within a couple of days. Crap!!!!

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