Friday, December 29, 2006

Happy New Year

The New Year is almost upon us; soon we'll be trying to remember to write "2007" on checks and other such things and embarking upon a new year. I don't really have any resolutions, so to speak, but I do have some goals that I'd like to see come to fruition. With the baby in non napping taking mode I've had a lot of difficulty finding time to paint, and that's been a bad thing for me, especially since one of my goals is to get a portfolio together. Eventually I'd like to maybe get back into school for art therapy, and the first step toward making that distant dream a reality is getting some current work together. I haven't been getting to enough meetings and I can feel it. Today I was driving down the road actually thinking about drinking, and even though I don't want to drink, really, I don't like when my mind wanders into that territory. It's a definite indication to me that I need to do something differently. The real indication to me that something is amiss is that I don't feel like getting drunk or anything, I just feel a need to "take the edge off". That is more dangerous than wanting to drink to stupidity because it's easier to fool the mind into thinking it's okay to "take the edge off" than it is to convince oneself that it's fine to get torn up. Our new year's eve plans include attending a sober party at a friend's house who throws a new year's eve bash every year. I've been to it for like seven years straight, but it's a safe place to go and it's a good time. At least I know I'll be around other sober people, which is super important to me, especially during the holidays when I'm struggling with being away from most of my family. I hope ya'll have a great and safe New Year's Eve!!!!

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