Wednesday, April 19, 2006


I couldn't think of a snappy title for my blog entry today, so "Wednesday" will have to do. After kvetching yesterday about the environment and making the comment about Greenpeace, I returned home this afternoon to find a flyer from them in my mailbox. I might join them; I think their actions go a long way in protecting the environment and obviousy some aggression is needed these day with the current administration being what it is. It seems like people in power can do just about anything they want if they know whose palms to grease, and that's just so unacceptable. Now that I have a child I feel very protective of all children everywhere, and it makes me fighting mad when I hear about silos full of toxic sludge being erected next to schools full of kids. It's not right that big corporations can bully people around, force them off land that's been in their families for generations, force people out of homes they love and which they've worked hard to afford, and then pay off judges or just plain bribe or bully them to win in court when people try to fight for their right to clean air and water and a safe environment in which to raise their children. Maybe if enough people would fight for the safety of our earth and vote people into office who are willing to put our collective health and well being before big money we'd have a chance against these ignorant jerks!

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