Friday, April 21, 2006

Friday Night-Does that even mean anything for a full time Mom???

I found this flamingo picture online at the Mike Kaplan wildlife gallery. His pictures are super cool; I love flamingos. They're so symbolic of warm weather and sunshine. When I was a kid my Grandmother had plastic ones in her flower garden up north. I thought they were the coolest thing when I was little. Anyway, just wanted to give credit for the picture. I'm not in any way trying to bite anyone elses work and I love giving a heads up to other people when I see photography or other artwork which I think is killer. Check out his website!!! I'm not sure if N is working tomorrow. I'm afraid to ask him because I'm hoping he's not working and will be disappointed if he says he is. Is that co-dependent? It's just that, well, when he works on Saturday our day becomes just like any other day, unless I can make plans with a girl friend to do something fun, which sometimes happens. He works so hard all week long that when the weekend comes I love it when he's around, even if we don't do much of anything. Saturdays should be sacred; actually, they are to me. Even when I was working a "regular" job I didn't work on Saturday. It's just my thing-the Sabbath and all. So, here's to tomorrow being Saturday, whatever the day might bring!!!!

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