Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Just getting home

I just returned from a two week trip to Massachusetts to visit family. It was a nice visit; just long enough to make me happy to be back home, although I miss everyone already. Sleeping on an air mattress and living in someone else's house gets tiring after awhile. N came up and I had an opportunity to show him Cape Cod; he loves it there but his business license is here so I don't see us moving up north any time soon. Please pray for me that our hurricane season is less exciting than forecasters predict. I felt like the time spent up north gave my daughter and I special time to really bond, without the distractions of work and home responsibilities. My family was really knocked out by her; she has so much personality and is talking everyone up, learning new words every day and repeating everything she hears. N and I are beginning to play the "spell words out" game because little R knows what so many words mean now. Say "cookie" and you'd better have a sweet in hand or you might just lose a few fingers. It's funny, I've heard people call us native Massachuseans "Massholes", but people were very courteous to me while I was there. Around Miami people usually won't stop to let me cross the street, even with the baby carriage, but up north people were stopping to let me cross the street, smiling at me. Getting off the airplane into Miami International Airport, I definitely knew I was back in my other home. The sound of Spanish is so familiar to my ears that I'm beginning to learn the language without much effort on my part, and my husband met me in front of a Cuban restaurant with a few shots of Cuban coffee, which I love (for those uneducated in coffee, Cuban coffee comes in "shot" cups for a very good reason; I drank about three or four after arriving back in Florida and was flying high for short while). We walked outside to the warm embrace of a muggy Miami afternoon, battled rude drivers on the highway home, and pulled into our apartment complex at around 3PM where I crashed from days and days of non stop running and nights filled with sporadic sleep episodes. Life is good.

1 comment:

AndyT13 said...

Cool! Glad you had fun in Massachusetts and you and the family are well! Clearly I'm behind oin your blog so just catching up. You went a while there without posting and as you can see I've been dealing with my own drama. My first thought on seeing the picture of you from A Friday Night Out was "Damn. I was a fool to let her go." Just so you know. :-) I'm super happy for you in your new life though. Congrats.