Thursday, January 17, 2008

Badass Hotties Part One

This could probably be considered a shallow and silly bit of blogging fluff, but given the depressing and disturbing bits of news I've been exposed to via my television over the past two days, the fact that my brother is still missing and could be in Iraq, the fact that my other brother is going to court on Monday over a bar fight, and the recent financial woes of my little family, I don't feel much like blogging (ie, moaning) about real life right now. That said, here is my first bad ass hottie dude expose.

I chose Billy Bob Thornton as my pick for hottest badass screenwriter/actor/musician. "Why?", you ask. Well, let's see. First off, there is something extremely sexy about a man who wears the aforementioned three hats. Not only is Billy Bob an artist of the stage (movie set), but, not content merely to act out roles, he also writes movies himself (and is an Oscar winning screenwriter at that). Top that off with the passion of a musician and, oh yeah.... Billy Bob has an air about him of easygoing calm and self assurance. He's a rebel without being arrogant or taking himself too seriously. One gets the feeling that he's completely being himself, and that he intends to completely be himself regardless of what you or anyone else has to say about it. He seems like the kind of guy who would care about what his girl wants, but wouldn't be shy about telling her what he needs. On a completely superficial level, he has tattoos, and it's my opinion that tattoos up the hot quotient of most guys (provided they are already sexy on some level and that the tattoos aren't of a hate natured subject matter) and he's southern born (anyone dating or married to a southerner will understand my reasoning here-my husband is Cajun). In short, he's a guy who possessed a passion for all of the avenues down which his artistic talents lead him. He followed those avenues and displayed the courage to make his dreams become reality. And THAT is sexy as hell.

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