Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Some Days, it's F.I.A.

I'm tired today. I'm tired of contractors who can't pay their bills and get other companies embroiled in horribly complicated mixups with their own banks due to bounced checks and all of the wondrous fun getting those straightened out is. I'm tired of worrying every day about how much money is in the bank account. I know that money doesn't guarantee happiness but f-ck if it doesn't help alleviate the stress of having the electricity turned off, or the landlord/mortgage not getting paid, or worrying about how one is going to send their child to a decent school when even a private PRESCHOOL costs around $6,000.00 per year, and that's a modest number. The one I want to send our daughter to is $10,000.00 a year; needless to say we'll either have to find a second choice or start homeschooling. It's ridiculous that the school system in Florida is so bad that I would even have to think about spending $10,000.00 a year for my daughter's early education. Right now the powers that be in the Florida educational system are busy debating about how evolution is taught in schools. HELLO!!!! It's a theory, it's been taught as a theory since I was in elementary school. Keep teaching it as a theory, and explain to the kids what the word "theory" means. And get busy cleaning up our public school systems because, quite frankly, they suck. One of the Moms in my daughter's gymnastics class is moving to Seattle with her husband because they don't want to raise their child in the type of environment that is rife here. She said that Seattle has a phenomenal school system and that the community they are moving to is more family friendly. And, by the way the median home price is around $600,000.00. Whew! Again, if we had an ample amount of money, I wouldn't be worrying about the school system here. We could just move someplace where marriage is actually a valued institution and the public school systems are actually educating our children. I had an extremely frustrating second half of the day. That line from an old Dixie Chicks song that goes, "Ready ready ready ready to run..." kept playing in the background of my mind for hours. I'm not going anywhere, and I don't really want to go anywhere, but some days it's easy to become overwhelmed by the pace of life, and by all of the obstacles that keep getting tossed in our way, just when it seems we're on the brink of making some real progress. I like the above picture of Courtney Love because I kind of love her punk rockedness, her hard core attitude, and her ability to plow forward into success, even if she's experienced quite a few bumps along the way. Punk rock all the way today, baby.

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