Thursday, June 14, 2007

Happy HNT

Sorry, but I'm too tired and lazy today to take a picture and upload it to my computer. No HNT for me today. I took Bebe to the park this afternoon only to spend about fifteen minutes there before the rains came. First, the air became very cool-usually a sure sign of an impending soaker. That isn't enough to make me run, because a small shower can be withstood. Soon, however, the skies darkened, the rumble of thunder sounded ominously, and I saw two flashes of lightning. That was enough to send me scrambling; lightning in Florida is a highly dangerous entity not to be trifled with. So, on homeward, where we got stuck in the car briefly due to the major downpour that began just minutes after we got into my car at the park. As I type, the skies are blue with a few fluffy white clouds drifitng past, and the sun is shining gloriously. We need the rain and so are blessed by its coming but I do wish we'd left the house sooner. I felt bad leaving so quickly; my daughter did NOT want to get off the swing! My mood as of late has been very positive and good. I've been avoiding things and people that drain my energy, which includes television shows that make me feel yucky after watching them (due to excessive violence, etc.) and people who are physicic/emotional vampires. I've also been avoiding watching the news any more than once per day because usually at least one story will depress the hell out of me. Also, I've been using my ability to visualize in great detail to try to create some positive change in my life. So far, so good. Each day is a new one with new challenges!

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