Monday, September 10, 2007

Home Again, Home Again, Jiggety Jig

Well, Massachusetts was great. I got to spend lots of time with my Mom, and over the first weekend I was there DH flew up and we went to a graduation/birthday party for my sister, brother and me (my sister graduated from college and my brother and I were each celebrating birthdays, two days apart). Things got fairly crazy but no fights or drunken driving; the worst incident that occurred was a half drunk guy talking trash to a girl who I think might have been his girlfriend at one time and that was over pretty fast. On Sunday we went to the King Richard's Faire in Carver with two of my brothers, my sis in law and my one brother's girlfriend. DH bought me a birthday gift of some cool jewelry (I love silver), we ate some food, laughed a lot, and just generally hung out and had a good time. My little one was very overwhelmed by the traveling experience and was a bit crazy for the duration of the trip. My Mom, who is used to living a quiet, albeit busy, life, had some difficulty with the toddler insanity, but we got through it mostly okay. She was able to walk us to the gate at the airport when it was time to leave, which airport staff doesn't usually allow, so we had some extra time to hang out before boarding time came. By then I was teary eyed and not very happy; the only thing that kept me from completely breaking down on the plane was the fact that my almost three year old daughter was with me and I didn't want to upset her. This was a good thing; because of her I was able to pull myself together in spite of my sadness and focus on the good things and people I was coming home to rather than the good people and things I was leaving behind. Which brings me to this: Today I found out my friend Jo Ann scored us free High Holiday tickets. Yay!!!!! We'll both get to be good Jews this year and attend Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur services, thanks to the good will of some kind hearted temple members who felt bad for us poor little Jewish girls (I seriously could not afford the $150.00 ticket this year!!!). So, I had good news to greet me amidst the craziness of all the work which piled up for me while I was out of town, and the landlord telling me we're going to have to shell out more money to the blasted condo association because they want an additional security deposit and blah blah. These people are crazy! Anyway, happy Monday!

1 comment:

Keyser Soze said...

It's expensive being a faithful and good jew! Glad you're home safe and sound. I geuss you won't get this for a day or two it being the holiday and all but anyway thanks for the nice compliment over at my place. Makin lots of progress at the gym and in life in general. Praying for you...