Saturday, August 25, 2007

Start Spreadin' the News

We're leavin' today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! At roughly 3pm my daughter and I will get on a plane (we're flying Southwest Airlines) bound for Providence, Rhode Island, where my Mom and friend David will meet us and we'll head across the border to Massachusetts, my beloved home state. I'm looking forward to seeing my family and my home turf. I've missed both terribly. DH said today that he would move to the Cape in a second if he could figure out how to work there. He knows I want to go back to school for art therapy and that I could do it there. Then, over time, I could become an art therapist like I dream of and he could play golf and whatever. I'd better start working on that portfolio; you never know when God will throw you a curve ball that gives you a chance to actually go forward on a path you've been practically begging Him to be able to tread. I've known many a person for whom this has happened; I just spoke a few days ago with a woman at the bank who is moving back home to Maryland after being here for ten years. She sited missing her family as the foremost reason for the leave, as well as having tired of our endless summers. This is yet another person leaving Florida; I've known so many over the past few years. Why can't it be us? I want this to happen under the best of circumstances (ie, I don't want something traumatic to necessitate a move and have been clear about that in my prayers) and for the good of all of us. I know those of you living in climates where it gets cold during the winter months probably can't understand my pining for my home state. All I can say is live where I do for awhile. Some people never want to leave, but for the majority of people I've known here over the years, the novelty of living in the subtropics wears off after a time, and the longing for other places creeps into their souls. This has definitely been the case for me. There is a longing within my soul that plumbs the depths of the oceans deepest reaches. It cannot be squelched and it cannot be ignored. Wow! It's almost 11am. I have to finish up my packing and get my daughter and myself ready to get out of here. I don't want to be rushing around at the last minute like I always seem to be! Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

Keyser Soze said...

Well Humph! YOu're in town and I don't even get to see you! Dammit!
Well I hope you're having a grand time indeed! Take lots of pics!