Saturday, August 18, 2007

Saturday Night

We have a baby sitter tonight so DH and I are going to ride the motorcycle to Fort Lauderdale for the Easy Rider Block Party. As usual, I'm ecstatic to be getting out of the house but reluctant to leave my daughter with anyone. It's not the sitter, it's just my own insecurity about leaving the most important little person in my life with someone else. By the end of the night I'll be glad to come back home. Nothing exciting about today; we sat around for most of it after sleeping late. After being sick I think we all needed the rest; recovery is dependent upon getting enough sleep but I hate sleeping! I think about all of the things I could be doing if I didn't have to sleep but my energy gives out and at last I relent. Then I can't get up in the morning because I've stayed up too late. DH spray painted the fence we have around our garden green, in the hopes that the other people here will stop complaining that we've put up a fence without first consulting with the "Association". Ah, the dreaded Condo Commandos. DH and I have agreed wholeheartedly that we never want to purchase a condo. I personally would probably smack someone during the first association meeting I was forced to attend. I can't stand people who can't keep their long, twisted noses out of business of other people. To me condo associations are just groups of people who are bent on ruining the happiness of other people. Well, at least some of the people involved in these associations are of this type of person- I'm convinced of that after living here. Today we noticed that "No fishing" signs have been posted around the pond (which everyone here likes to call a lake, even though it's not). Because there are fish within the pond, some of the young neighborhood kids have been fishing occasionally out back. I guess some of the residents living in the units abutting the pond didn't like looking out their back doors and seeing kids fishing out there, so they squashed the fishing. How sad. It's not like there was a whole lot of fishing going on; this was an occasional pasttime of some of the kids. Now they'll just get bored and start trying to figure out what else they can do and people will complain that they are skate boarding, or hanging out too much around the tot playground, or sitting on the fence. I LONG for a house in the country, away from here. Anyway, that's all for now. I need to get ready to get out of here for a few hours!

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