As far as today, I felt okay when I woke up but feel nauseas now, and felt likewise for the past three days. I swear that on Tuesday morning I woke up, ate breakfast, and then threw up so hard that I actually popped a blood vessel underneath my eye, just above my cheekbone, and now I have a wicked looking black eye. Prior to this happening I was unaware that a black eye could be obtained this way, and I'm surprised that in all of my former years of drinking this never occurred. Of course, I went to a meeting last night and everyone there asked me how I got the black eye (actually, today it's kind of purplish red and green). I tried to back out from the embarrassing admission of how it happened, to no avail. Everyone was relentless and one guy actually asked me if my husband had done it, which, if you know my husband, is a completely ridiculous question. My husband is one of the kindest, least violent people I know. Now, after telling several people that I heaved so hard I gave myself a shiner, it's not so embarrassing to write it here. Actually, it sounds a bit humerous.
I don't know why I feel yucky; N feels yucky too but I don't know if we have the same yuckiness. It crossed my mind that I could be pregnant, but when N told me he's feeling sick also I began to doubt (with some disappointment, actually) that I was with child. Only time will tell on that one. I've actually been wanting another child as of late, although this would probably be the worst possible time from a financial aspect. N isn't really into the idea and I pretty much have felt that we'd stop at one, but there is always that small possibility that another could "come along". If it's a boy, his name will be William (Will for short) after my uncle who died when I was in college. Although he eventually committed suicide, he was a brilliant man in many respects and I admired him greatly. We all have our failings and depression is prevalent on my Mother's side of the family. I think he would laugh at my using the word "brilliant" to describe him; it sounds so dramatic. He was, though. I'm getting a bit ahead of myself over what is probably a stomach virus, though, eh?
Well, happy Friday all.
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