Monday, August 13, 2007

Quiet Monday

No real action here today. The only thing I'm baffled by is that we all seem to be sick again. WTF???!!! I am now firmly convinced that we live in a yucky area and that the only solution to being sick all the time is leaving. DH and I discussed that maybe we have some sort of mold problem in the a/c vents. Mold is a common occurrence down here due to the hot, muggy weather; if a homeowner/apartment renter doesn't keep the air at around seventy six degrees max at all times, the air inside becomes too welcoming for mold and it can begin to grow in places like cabinets as well as areas unseen, such as in air ducts. I've heard lots of people complaining that they've been sick an unusual amount this year, though, and my relatives up north are not experiencing the same problem. This tells me that something is going on with the area we live in. I wish we could just get the hell out of here. I want to be back with my family again. (She lets out a big sigh and signs off.)


Keyser Soze said...

Yeah, that mold thing is a big deal. YOu might investigate your A/C filter(s). Those things get mighty nasty. I find I get sick if I use A/C so I just stopped using it and use fans. Not as comfotable but I'd rather be hot, sticky and not sick than chillin and illin.
Eeeee..yeah. Anywho...

Mary Ann said...

Yes, please check your AC filters. We get awful sick from the bacteria that lingers in those filthy things. We clean ours at least weekly. And still we both have come down with the dreaded summer cold up here. And lots and lots of folks I have spoken to have been getting the same thing, so it's up here in the Northeast too! Hubby swears its the chemtrails. Hope you are feeling better soon........and me too!