Monday, March 26, 2007

Manic Monday

Well, it's 9:23pm, I'm tired, my daughter has not had her bath yet and I thought it would be a good time to post a blog. Actually, I was waiting for the tub to fill and was planning on blogging then, but I spent too much time reading other blogs and nearly overfilled the bathtub. Yep, it's Monday. We spent the whole day running errands and doing paperwork. I think I'm busier now than I ever have been in my life, including the time I spent working at the law office as a legal assistant. My daughter just came in and handed me a diaper. I guess that means it's time to take a bath and get her jammies on. Did I mention how busy life is nowadays??? It's great, though. I love being busy in this sort of way. For years I prayed to be busy in this sort of way. I was always kind of afraid of being a mom, but now that I am I find that it's a natural sort of role, and one I much prefer to the constant, unrewarding stress of being a legal assistant. If I'd stayed in my old job I would've had to go back to school to do something else, because I would've fried like an onion ring after too many more years of staring at a computer screen and talking on the phone, making money at a job that gave me absolutely no creative release but paid my bills and provided me with medical insurance. It's so scary and sad how sometimes life hands us jobs and we become afraid to leave them for fear of losing our security, even though they are jobs we really don't like, jobs we hate, even. I didn't hate the law office; it was a great opportunity and helped me buy my first new car. I enjoyed certain aspects of law and even considered going to law school. Anyway, my daughter's spirit had other ideas and wanted to be born and decided to be born to N and me, and we were blessed. Which brings me to another bath time and a good bye and good night to you all.

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