Tuesday, March 27, 2007


Yay!!!! Someone finally answered my email regarding an article I'm trying to write for the beach newspaper that I have a column in. I've been leaving messages and emails but as of today hadn't heard anything yet. As I was sitting down to my computer I was thinking about how hard it was going to be to have a peice with nothing but my own ideas rambling on and on, and there was an email from someone I really wanted a few quotes from for my peice! There is hope yet that this thing will get done, which is good because I need to bang out the story ASAP. It's actually mostly written already, but I need to add the quotes and tweak it a little bit. Someone recently told me I'm a dork for writing an environmental column but I don't care. I never claimed not to be a dork! I attended a fantastic meeting tonight which inspired me to take more positive action in my life. I've been feeling much more motivated as of late and that's given me hope that I can create the changes for good that I'd like to bring about.

1 comment:

AndyT13 said...

You go babe! I was hoping for an HNT entry but this is good too.
I always knew you'd blossom into an amazing and powerful human being. I never dreamed how true that knowledge would be. You're all that and a bag of chips. :-)