Thursday, January 18, 2007

Sick Day

Bean was sick today; she woke up this morning throwing up, with a slight fever and feeling very cranky. She didn't eat much today but she seems to be feeling a lot better tonight. She's been Mommy's little shadow all day long, and I felt so bad for her that she was sick (although I've been sick also!). I went to a meeting tonight and was glad I did, even though I felt like sitting at home and continuing the process of getting over this cold. I've done everything I can, short of going to the doctor, to get rid of it. I've tried healing meditations, eating right, taking vitamins, drinking lots of fluids. The key ingredient that I'm having difficulty getting is rest. There isn't much time to rest with a two year old, basically three jobs (one as a Mom, one as a book keeper for my husband's business, and one as an artist) and too few hours in the day. The meeting I went to tonight was about having humility, and also about having the confidence in ourselves to pursue our goals and dreams without feeling the certainty that we'll fail. I sometimes need to work on this one. Sometimes I'm my own worst critic, but if I just keep on keepin' on I find that my confidence builds. That's all from me tonight. Peace to the blogger world. Tra la la.

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