Friday, March 31, 2006

"How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Roll Pop?"

Everybody make sure you set your clocks ahead one hour this Saturday!!!!! If not, for sure you will be late for work on Monday!!! (Incidentally, I've forgotten to do this before only to receive a phone call from work asking why I wasn't there...) Thank God my husband is my boss nowadays, and he knows how flaky I sometimes can be. (Calm down, all you feminists. I do the paperwork for my husband's business, hence the whole "boss" title...) I have been feeling tired and kind of yucky over the past few days. Feeling this way always causes me anxiety because it's remeniscent of how I felt when I was pregnant and I don't want to be pregnant again. My Mom might be Catholic but I don't feel it necessary to have ten children (unless that's your desire). The coolest thing for me about pregnancy was feeling the baby move around. Other than that, it was nine plus months of feeling nauseus, not being able to fit into my regular clothes, not being able to breathe once the baby got big (at around six months), not being able to do much walking because if I did my ankles would swell, and having to put up with countless numbers of people telling me what I should/shouldn't be eating, what the sex of my baby was (I'd had an ultrasound and knew she was a girl, but some people insisted that I was having a boy because I was carrying totally in the front-extremely aggravating), and how all of these horrible things were going to happen to my body (to date I've lost all the baby weight plus more, and I came out of the whole thing with no stretch marks or varicose veins). I don't want to go there again, no matter how much of a blessing I believe children to be. I love my little boobala and every minute of my pregnancy was worth the privilege of being her Mom, but I'm content to have one baby. That said, if it turns out that I'm pregnant you all will have to put up with months of listening to me kvetch about how awful I feel, so keep your fingers crossed that I'm not!!!!!

1 comment:

AndyT13 said...

Best O Luck my dear! Aruba was fine, much like South Florida it seemed. Cheers!