Friday, March 10, 2006

Fire Alarms and Condo Conversions

As I was washing the dishes this morning, the people working on our building set the fire alarm off for the fourth time in a couple of weeks. It might not sound like a big deal, but the fire alarm emits an ear peircing noise that scares the baby and annoys the hell out of me. Today I'd had it; I went outside and yelled at them that they were morons, asking how many more times today the alarm would be set off. Totally unspiritual, I know. I guess I'm just more tired than usual; R was up in the middle of the night last night due to teething issues and this week has been non stop running around and I'm a little bit burned out. I'm frustrated with all of the renovations being done around here; when our building was just an apartment building they let it go to hell, but now that it's been sold to be transformed into yet more condos for people moving to Florida they're working on it like crazy and disrupting the lives of everyone still living out their leases here. A few days ago we had a living room full of plants because they are painting the outside of the building. Several days went by and they still haven't started painting our building, so finally I put the plants back out there. I'll move them again when they actually being painting our balcony area. Until then, babies and plants cannot co-exist in the same small apartment. At least, not my baby. She's 16 months old and running around and into everything, and the plants would NOT enjoy a long prosperous lives if she had her way. Not that she would hurt them intentionally; she is just curious. I suppose I'm feeling a bit resentful about the cost of living here having been driven up so high over the past few years. I really want to escape from apartment living; I'm so fed up with it. Real estate is through the roof here; Donald Trump is building $700,000.00 plus condos on the beach down the street from our home!!!! $700,000.00 and up!!!!! Florida used to be the poor man's California; now it's going to be just like California as far as real estate. Even a small, rundown shack on the outskirts of crack town is $300,000.00 to $400,000.00. It is extremely frustrating. Our trip to Ocala proved eye opening. It is beautiful up there and homes are slightly more affordable, but there is nothing to do up there and I'm concerned that we might not be happy, having lived near the cities of Fort Lauderdale and Miami for so long. I love the country, so, so much, but up there it's a long way to any sort of action, and I don't know what the kids do up there. Anyway, I've got to go and figure out what R and I are going to do today. For sure, we need to get out of here for awhile, maybe pack a lunch and head down by the beach again or something. Even the mall would be better than staying here.

1 comment:

AndyT13 said...

Renovations and not even your own? Drag!
I'm trying to scrape together the cash to put down on a house ASAP. I've had it with apartment living too. I hate to tie myself down, especially around here but fuck it. I'm tired of burning 15,000 a year on rent. Hopefully Brenda and I will be married by the end of the year, we'll sell her place and put $150K down someplace nice a little further from the friggin Nuclear plant. Sheesh. Love ya!