Tuesday, March 21, 2006

The Changing Winds...

Some days I just literally thank God for the stability that comes with having a child. Another girl friend of mine told me she and her husband are moving away (not for about five years, but still, they're leaving). Nearly everyone I know is getting tired of living in South Florida because of the hurricanes and the congestion that's coming with all of the new people moving here. Also, most of the people I know who have kids don't want their kids going to school here, and a teacher friend of mine (who just told me she is moving to Georgia) backed up their sentiments on Sunday by telling me the middle and high schools here are generally terrible. I grew up in Boston, where everything felt so solid. Here everything feels so transient and it's difficult to become too close to anyone because so many people don't stay here. We've been talking about moving away also, but we're not sure where we want to go. I'm leaning more toward North Carolina, I think. I love the weather here during the winter but I'd like to raise my little one with better values than the ones I see here. There are good people here, don't get me wrong, but there is so much to contend with when it comes to raising children. I'm fearful of Little R growing up here. I'd like her to have a sense of God in her life, and to be able to grow up running around in the woods like I did when I was small. There aren't many woods left around here; the cities keep cutting them down so they can replace the real trees with palms that offer nothing in the way of shade and nothing in the way of habitat for the animals who have no place to go because the trees have been mowed down. My husband is licensed in Florida and knows people here, so he's hesitant to leave the state, but we'll see what happens. Time will tell. In the meantime, it's a day at a time, enjoying each day, creating, laughing, living, loving my family and thanking God for Little R.

1 comment:

AndyT13 said...

Hey Kid.
Sounds like things are going well. Nice baby butt LOL I'm off to Aruba for the week so drop me a comment or some such and I'll catch you when I get back. Peace!