Thursday, February 21, 2008

A Very Quick Post

Since I should be at a meeting right now, I'm going to keep today's post quick. Lately, I've been pondering the merits of a vegetarian diet again. Everyone who knows me well is accustomed to my fluctuations back and forth between a vegetarian diet and that of an omnivore. Usually, I manage to hold out sans meat for a few weeks before caving in to my carniverous cravings. Yesterday I read an article about possible meat contamination that made me think twice about the safety of our meat supply. The peice noted the issue of cruelty to animals as if such a thing only happened once in awhile. Anyone who reads PETA's website, or any website dedicated to the humane treatment of animals is well acquainted with the knowledge that animal cruelty is a part of everyday life in the world of animals being raised for circulation into our food supply. This, and not the issue of whether or not people were meant to eat other animals or whether it's healthy for us to do so has always been my main reason for abstaining from meat products. Animals who are not completely healthy, who can't walk on their own to the slaughterhouse, are killed every day for the purpose of being fed to American consumers. My goal here is not to tell anyone they shouldn't eat meat. To do so would be just a tad bit hypocrytical on my part. I did find this peice which I read today (not the original article mentioned above but still a good read) interesting and thought maybe someone else might want to read it.;_ylt=AlDRn5ognnFddvL4FDCyRIlH2ocA

Here is another good one:

and another:

Okay, getting off the soapbox now and heading to my meeting.

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