Friday, February 29, 2008

Busy Busy Busy

After getting up late and thus experiencing a hectic morning of rushing around so I could get to the gym and get home to get other things accomplished, I feel a little better now. I almost didn't go to the gym, but in order to feel better after all of the running this morning and to have the energy to make it through the remainder of our day, I needed to go run for 25 minutes and lift some weights. I know that doesn't sound logical, but if you spend time at the gym you understand what I mean. It is AMAZING how much more centered and energetic I feel after running for two miles. I've pushed my time down to a twelve minute mile (I started at 15) and I feel good about that, even though a twelve minute mile is still considered to be kind of slow, according to a girl friend of mine who runs marathons. No matter. It's good for me! My next task is to do some paperwork for the business, then I'm taking Little One out to the garden shop at Home Depot so we can try to grow some "egg heads" with cress seeds. We saw a fun project on the Noggin channel and decided to try it out. She can paint faces on the eggs, then we'll grow the cress inside. While we're there I will pick up some soil for our garden. The recent rains have washed away all of the good, rich soil we had for our vegetable garden and I don't think the sandy stuff that is left over has much in the way of nutrients for growing plants. So far, the plants have yielded a hot pepper and a still growing bell pepper. We're going the organic route, which means that occasionally I have to go out and brush the bugs off the plants. Thankfully, we have a very small garden, otherwise I'd need to begin research on organic pest repellants. At some point, I hope that will be necessary but for now we have a humble "city garden"; enough to make our tiny back yard area pretty and green and welcoming to the occasional butterfly (even though we don't have butterfly plants back there yet). I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. We're going to hang out with a good friend on Sunday who is moving to Georgia. Everyone is leaving!!!!!!

1 comment:

Keyser Soze said...

I dunno that Georgia is an improvement over Florida but I guess we'll see! Well there were some 22 people at my birthday party. I think that's the most people ever at a birthday party for me. That was kind of nice.
Wish you could have come. :-)
40 turns out to be not-so-bad