Saturday Saturday Saturday
I feel a bit better today, although this morning I was stressed out almost to tears by the fact that there never seems to be a single day that goes by without some sort of work involved for the business. During the week it's great; I like to be busy and am grateful that we have work at a time when so many people are slow. When Saturday comes, however, I need the break. In spite of my Celtic leanings, I am also Jewish. Saturday is a special day, a day when work is supposed to cease and one can take a breath and pause from all of the hecticness of the week. I need one day to step back, to not have to change or mold anything, to not have to engage in tasks which frustrate or upset me. Last night I lit both the Sabbath candles and my special triple candle configuration which symbolizes the hearth in Irish culture. I like to light it in the morning before my meditation time and to light it and blow it out at night, saying a short blessing with regard to the hearth fires keeping us warm and safe through the night. I usually think of the Goddess Brighid when I do this; it gives me a sense of peace and safety to go through this ritual, and my daughter loves lighting and blowing out the candles. On some symbolic level, all of the candles looked really pretty this morning set up together on the table, the two tall white Sabbath pillar candles behind the three red votives. Sometimes I will re-light the Sabbath ones on Saturday, since we rarely have time to let them burn down completely on Friday night. I'm trying to find some balance with my spirituality-a way to honor all the different parts of my ancestry. I guess for most people Judaism and Paganism wouldn't really go together, but I believe we all need to follow the path which feels right within our hearts. We're going to a concert tonight-I think it to see Bob Weir's band but I'm not sure. I'm game for anything that involves dancing and listening to good music!
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