Thursday, May 31, 2007

Finally, Some Peace Within!!!

Happy HNT!!!! This is an old picture, but what the hell? I didn't feel like posting anymore face shots of myself; I think I've indulged in that ego filled endeavor enough over the past few weeks and need to step back from it. I feel great today, despite having a million things to do of the obligatory nature. I have managed to paint for two days in a row and receieved a wonderful compliment from my husband last night with regard to the portion of the painting I worked on yesterday and the day before, as well as with regard to the painting as a whole. If I can keep plugging like this I should have the whole peice done before long, having preserved my sanity in the process. When I paint, I feel whole. When I don't, I feel very out of sorts. It does something to my spirit that nothing else can do; it gives me something that nothing else can. I'm not sure how that works-maybe it's just a matter of doing what it is I'm supposed to be doing, in some spiritual sense. I don't question it; I just try to go with it. Creative inspiration rocks!!!! My dream is to one day have a house with a barn of some sort out back so I can have a studio on site. Right now, I have an office/studio, which is much better than what I had before, which was a corner of the living room. Some day I would love to have a studio area set apart from our house, with walls that my daughter can write on and where people can leave comments like in the subway station-a place totally devoted to creative impulse. That would be a real slice of heaven!!!

1 comment:

Keyser Soze said...

Wow! You look great! You seem to have lost some weight! Rock on! Congrats on getting your creative mojo back! I've been in a ridiculously good mood for a whole week. I got Willie Nelson's new book "The Tao Of Willie" that's really improved my whole outlook on life and the creative process. I highly recommend it! Only $12 but a bargain at any price! I love the studio dream. Dream it, do it.
I'm working on a dream list since I seem to need some new ones. Most of my old ones have either come true or gotten out of date. "We need new dreams tonight". I've heard a number of old timers saying that if they had imagined the best thing they could think of for themselves after the first year that was the palest shadow of what eventually came true after ten years so i'm trying to picture that. Also 4th steppage. Oy! Anyway you've been opn my mind a lot and I hope all is well. Sounds like it! Hope the long weekend was grand! HHNT!