Monday, July 24, 2006

Spirituality Revisited

Over the past few months I've written a lot about my spiritual path; it has taken many twists and turns and I've felt much confusion. It doesn't help that everywhere Christian fundamentalists are telling me that if I'm not a Christian I'm going to hell, etc... The thing is, over the past three months that I've been trying to follow this path of Christianity with my husband I've felt more cut off from G-d than ever. I felt like my Judaism was keeping me on a clearer path, giving me ideas I could relate to and understand. In short, it felt like my soul, rather than an outergarment. Last night my husband was watching John Hagee on television and he began ranting about how environmentalists are screwing up our economy (I happen to be one of those environmentalists) by not allowing drilling to take place in the Arctic Refuge because we're trying to protect "some fuzzy little animals". Never mind that any oil found in the refuge isn't going to pull us out of the mess we're in with the oil situation (that is a collosal lie perpetuated by people who have money to be made in the oil industry. Do you think Exxon is going broke-no!!!). I was highly offended by that comment as well as by many other things he said. I used to leave the room when my husband would put him on but I've been trying to be open minded and to learn something. The problem is that in order to learn anything about Judaism you need to talk with a rabbi. Biblical translations don't seem to come out the same way when they are performed by Christians and Jews. For me, I tend to believe the Jewish ones; maybe I'm just biased. I felt like a rabbi never would have made the comments John Hagee made with regard to the oil crisis-at least, the rabbi at my temple wouldn't have. He believes that we are stewards of this earth and have an obligation to care for her. That is a part of how we show our respect for G-d. I've felt over the past three months that I've had to alter my gut feelings and beliefs so much that the ideas I was following didn't feel natural anymore. Now I feel like I can't be something I'm not, that in spite of my best intentions to keep my family unified through one religion I can't deny that part of my soul which is Jewish, which has always been Jewish. My hope is that I'm not offending anyone with this passage; I just felt a need to talk about it. This morning I read a peice on called "-In My Father's Footsteps" which talked about how the writer's Father's deep committment to his Judaic path profoundly influenced his son's life in a beautiful way. By the end of the story I was in tears-deep, heartfelt tears. He talks about how in a world where assimilation is so rampant, his father reaffirmed his Jewish beliefs and in doing so gave his son a wonderful gift that he can now pass along to his own children. I encourage you to read it-it's under the "Family" section ( Everyone must make their own decisions. I know for I cannot continue as I have been, feeling this wall between me and my higher power. Perhaps it comes from my family roots. I'm not sure.


AndyT13 said...

Oy. I'm all for being spiritual and what not but it seems to me you're thinking a little too much about it. If it's the sort of thing that stresses you out maybe you should try not to worry about it so much. Whatever God there may be odds are better than good he/she/it doesn't give a rat's patoot about what name you give it or how you worship. Just saying... rituals are nice but hardly worth getting into a froth about IMHO.
Hope you're well kid.

AndyT13 said...

Heh. You must be busy. I always expect to see tons of posts from you. :-) I hope you're painting.
I'm way behind on creating new stuff for an upcoming show. Ah! The pressure! AHHHH!

Winterswan said...

I guess it's just the artist in me, but I tend to be an intense person. I guess that's why I tend to be attracted to other intense people. It's always been hard for me to be on the fence. My hubby is cool with me being Jewish and likes the holidays and all of that. I respect his beliefs as well. Anyway, been painting and keeping busy-not as many blogs, but I'm still around!

Winterswan said...

Good luck with the show Andy!!!!! I know you'll rock!

Anand said...

If one truly truly loved God, would he go around destroying His creation? Would God create something so beautiful and then create man, and say, "Go ahead, its all yours, destroy at will"?

I feel sad people are misinterpreting Religion to back up their stupid actions. I do not know the solution to your problem but wish you good luck.