Thursday, January 01, 2009

First Day

(picture by

In spite of my trepidation with regard to going out last night, and the fact that I was tired from my day as well as from my two mile morning run (getting back into a work out routine can be a bitch, but it's so necessary for me), we had a great time last night at the party. It turned out to be a somewhat quiet affair; not as many people showed up this year as in years past, and N and I knew most everyone who attended. I always surprise at myself for not being as shy as I once was. There was a time when the idea of attending a party would throw me into a state of high anxiety; nowadays I still experience that anxiety (albeit to a lesser degree), but once I get to the event I usually find that I'm quite comfortable and able to have a good time. I suppose that as we get older and realize that all we really need to be is ourselves, some of the pressure to perform is removed and we can just relax. It helps when the people around us are friendly, as they were last night. Being in a situation where the company is snobby or hostile can cause even the most self assured among us to feel a bit out of sorts. Though N and I kept telling each other that we were going to boogy home before the infamous ball dropped, suddenly it was 11:30pm and we decided that we might as well hang out for the duration. We engaged in all of that cheesy "happy new year" banter after the year turned to 2009, then watched some fireworks that the party host set off from his back boat dock. By the time we arrived home it was around 1AM; by the time I myself fell asleep it was around 2AM. No one in our home awoke before 10AM, aside from our cat, who was highly aggravated that we were still in bed and displayed her annoyance by stepping on my clock radio and waking us up to the sound of whatever horrible station began blaring through the speakers. When she stepped on the on button she also stepped on the tuner and turned the radio station.

I've thought a little bit about resolutions, but mostly I think that I just want to continue doing what I've been doing. That is, trying to grow a little more each day, to be more in touch spiritually, to love a little more, to be more creative and active as an artist, to be a better Mom, wife, friend, and person in general. Life is a journey, a process of growing, no matter what day it is. I hope your first day of 2009 is the continuation of a wonderful journey!

I am posting this link below because, as a Jewish woman, I feel that it is important to spread positive information about Israel. With current affairs being what they are, I wanted to post an article which I feel describes Israel's position and defends her a bit. I abhor violence but believe deeply in the right of a country to defend itself. You may, of course, decide for yourself whether or not you want to read it!

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