Friday, October 05, 2007

Birthdays and Other Sundries

I reserved a party at Chuck E. Cheese for little one for next Saturday, so that's off my mind somewhat now. I'm relieved, actually, because usually we do parties at our house and that means I spend more time in the kitchen than I do hanging out with our friends. It will be more fun for our daughter, and it will mean zero cleanup for me after the festivities have ended.

Today we need to run errands. It's a rainy grey day here and I would like nothing more than to stay here making Halloween/Autumn crafts with Little One, but work needs to be done in spite of my not wanting to do it. I have to go to FedEx, the Humane Society (a friend of mine is missing her cat and I said I'd check there since she can't get out), Walgreens (twice), my friend's house, the library to drop off a video (they only let you take the cursed things out for five days). I'm tired just thinking about all of this stuff. And the work I have to complete also entails some things I need to do at home in the way of cleaning and writing out the ever present bills. Sigh.

So far we have an autumn leaf garland, some orange sparkly skeletons, a spider web and spider that I made from black construction paper this morning, and a few store bought tchatches of the Halloween nature as our seasonal decorations. Somehow, I'm turning into a Martha Steward wannabe or something. How did I go from rock and roll to Martha Stewart Living???? She's been to jail, so she's kind of tough now, right? Whatever. Suddenly I'm a suburban house Mom. No minivan though. No minivan.

1 comment:

Keyser Soze said...

The minivan is coming to get YOUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!

I arrive in Miami Sat Oct 20th at 10:30 PM. The idea was to pick up the rented Harley at noon drive to key west that day. Now it turns out they may not have a bike for me until Sunday so I might be stuck in Miami a night. Can we visit? I'll have The Good Doctor Shrink with me so that shouldn't be too threatening for hubby.
I don't even have your number or any clue where you are...