Monday, November 10, 2008

Some Dry Eyed Rambling

It's getting late, my eyes are tired and dry after about an hour of playing with my profile page (no kidding, it took me about an hour to get it the way I want it) but I figured that since I was here anyway I might as well say hello. And good night, but I'll leave the good night for later.

We had a great weekend. Hubby worked on Saturday but I got up early, hit the gym, then came home and made a dreamcatcher for my little one. She has been having nightmares and I thought it might help. It was lots of fun putting it together; I bought two small grapevine wreathes, some crystal beads (I picked out green, Little One picked out amethyst), yellow/white ribbon, feathers, and six silver metal stars (three for each wreath-on Sunday I made one for my hubby's and my room as well- in keeping with the tradition of the number three being sacred in Celtic tradition). Then, we supercharged her dreamcatcher with some words of blessing and hung it in her room in front of the window. It's located as close to her bed as possible but is also in the window to catch the first rays of the sun as they stream through the blinds. So far, so good. I hung ours on Sunday, as my husband looked at me with raised eyebrow (such a skeptic, he). After the dreamcatcher festivities we met some friends for lunch at a nearby deli where my mind was stimulated by some much appreciated adult conversation. My husband joined me later at the home of a couple we know (I'll call them R and W here), where we ate steak and salad. Though I'd previously been doubtful about R's claim that eating meat without a starch helps food digest more easily, I have to say that this was the first time I'd eaten a steak without feeling heavy afterward. I think that his theory bears more investigation; I ate a baked potato with chicken for dinner tonight and felt positively stuffed afterward, although the sour cream, butter and bacon bits might have contributed to that condition. So much for going to the gym this morning. Sigh.

As far as our adventures into possible home ownership, no word yet as to whether or not we're going to get the dreamhome we've been hoping to move into toward the end of this year. Three or so weeks ago the realtor told my husband that the bank had accepted our offer. When N called him this afternoon to ask him some questions, he advised that he hadn't actually received the acceptance of our offer in paper form yet. Whaaa???? Either it was accepted, or it was not accepted, or it was not accepted yet. I'm hoping for the first, fearing the second and thinking that the last is probably the most likely answer. Maybe they told the realtor that our offer looked good and just haven't gotten around to completing the paperwork, or maybe they haven't made a final decision yet. This whole ordeal has been stressful as hell; I'm looking forward to the day we are able to move into a home we love and I can begin planning gardens and painting walls. The sweat and toil of cleaning, digging and decorating (all of which I love-well, not the cleaning so much) is nothing next to the anguish of not knowing. Already I feel uprooted and I've yet to pack a box.

Well, for a tired gal I sure did let forth a sea of words! Time to go to bed and let our dreamcatcher work its magic

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