Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Park Day

I had the best of intentions with regard to going to the gym this morning, but the early hours just got away from me too fast. Hubby isn't feeling so hot this morning, we both were moving more slowly than usual (I had some trouble getting out of bed this morning-Hubster hogged the blankets last night but put the fan .. turning in, and I was cold in between stealing the covers back!), and before we knew it 8AM had crept upon us and he was rushing out the door. I don't like to rush my daughter around just because I'm behind, so I figured that I'll stick to my Friday morning gym ritual and then go on Saturday morning again. I actually enjoyed going to the gym last Saturday morning; it motivates me to get out of bed and then I feel great for the rest of the day. This weekend is Camelot Days at T.Y. Park and I'm going to try as hard as I can to convince N that we should go. We had a great time last year when we went and, even if N doesn't want to attend, I might take my little one and go anyway. It's difficult for me to resist any even with a medieval theme, and my little one will love all of the costumes and craziness.

Today is our park day with the homeschool group. I feared a rainout when I first awoke, but the sun is now making a valiant effort to smile brightly upon us. Even if the skies drizzle a bit here and there, it looks like we might be allowed some quality playtime. We meet at around 12pm, and I plan on bringing a picnic lunch with us, possibly from a nearby kosher restaurant that has killer sandwiches. Though, after spending a ridiculous amount of money at the supermarket yesterday (the cost of groceries has spiraled out of control) I have to admit that I'm reluctant to spend any extra money today; we might end up with tuna sandwiches from home!!! Still, that falafel from Levy's is calling out to me......argh!!! Whatever we eat, we should have a fun day. I like that my little one gets to run around with the same kids each week and I'm learning more about homeschooling from the other parents in the group and socializing a bit as well.

Happy Wednesday!!!!

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