Monday, April 21, 2008

More Car Troubles

Well, went out and did a bunch of errands today, after having a great weekend (during which my car seemed to be running just fine). I came out of the supermarket with my little one, got into the car, turned the key and.....nothing but a very disappointing chuga chuga sound followed by silence. After a few more efforts (which yielded still more chuga chuga sounds) I called N again and he, once again, came to our rescue. This time we brought the car to the mechanic, who promptly diagnosed my little car as having a bad alternator. Oh, and the new battery was dead as a door nail as well, having been dutifully powering my car for me all on its own over the past four days. Thankfully, the battery was warranteed and we didn't get charged for another one. Unfortunately, the rest of the work was quite costly. Fortunately, they were able to fix it tonight and now my car is back home. I'm glad the problem is fixed; it's no fun getting stuck relatively far away from home!!!! It's kind of sad that as I sat in the parking lot of the supermarket with my hood up no one save for a young guy came over to ask me if I needed any help. Plenty of people looked at me curiously, but no one offered their assistance. Sad.

1 comment:

AndyT13 said...

I would have rescued you LOL
I love the picture of you with your kitty and the viddy cam!
You just look so great! :-) I beam upon you. I sent you some mail but no response. Maybe old addy?
Lots of new pix @