Friday, March 14, 2008

Popping By

I haven't written anything in days. I just don't have the time to write every day anymore. Really, I've never had the time, but here and there I can squeeze in some computer time. That said, I'm supposed to be doing some work right now.....I have been reading other blogs, and am amazed at how some people will just leave whatever comments they feel like leaving on someone's site (I'm talking about rude, nasty comments) without stating who they are. Is this about fear? Is it about worrying that other people will think them petty or silly or both? We all write online for different reasons. For me, it's about satiating my writing jones and keeping up some contact with an outside world farther away than outside my door and down the street. As a stay at home Mom, sometimes I feel isolated and a bit lonely. Sure, I have friends, but with my time schedule the way it is, I have very little down time. I'm inspired and get support from some of my online friends, and I have come back into contact with some old friends who now live far away as well, which has been wonderful. Some current correspondence I've entered into with a woman who I will most likely never meet in this lifetime has been helping me tremendously along the spiritual path I know is right for me (and thank you, A, for telling me to "dance like no one is watching"! You couldn't have put it better.), although I'm not sure she realized she was going to be a teacher when we first started "talking"! I hope I'm helping her as well. Sometimes maybe I put out too much. The fact is, when we type something into our computer and send it along it's merry way we don't know who is going to read our words. As an artist, an emotionally charged person, a person who "feels" so so so so much all the time, it feels natural to just blurt out what I'm feeling. I do try to refrain from giving anyone except for my close friends, people who I truly know, deeply personal information. But I try to be honest online, to "be who I write". If anyone doesn't like that, I guess they can just travel along the internet to another site! I don't know how to be anything other than who I am, and I don't have interest in being a fluffy blogger just because some people perusing blog sites think that people should refrain from talking about their true emotions. That said, thanks to those of you who listen kindly.
The above picture is a peice of a lithograph I did years ago. It looks better in its entirety, but what the hell.


Keyser Soze said...

I always miss you when you're away a few days. Getting back in touch and finding you were sober too has been one of the best things in recent memory and there's been lots of great stuff. That's an absolutely awesome picture. I always admired your art. So many things about you I remember like it was yesterday. Hmmm. Ahh...yea.

So on the anonymous thing...people will say any sort of hateful hurtful things behind internet anonymity. That says everything about them but nothing about the target. Usually I leave that stuff up because it's so laughable. Maybe they could upset a 12 year old girl but this 40 year old man has a life beyond imagining.The rantings of a random anonymous troll don't amount to flyspeck on my shoe. Still I caught myself giving the trol space in my head so I had to turn it over and delete it all. Never wrestle with a pig; You both get dirty bit the pig enjoys it. :-)

Winterswan said...

So true!