Thursday, March 20, 2008

Happy Ostara

(Above picture from Llewllyn Witches Calendar 2000)

Happy Ostara/Vernal Equinox to all. Little One and I have been busily immersed in activities to celebrate the holiday, making and painting papier mache eggs, coloring in an Ostara coloring page, making hard boiled eggs to decorate. That last activity is going to be pushed back to tomorrow, since today has gotten away from us. All in all it has been a great day. I stuck to a schedule of some sort and we managed to get all of our errands done this morning and still make a trip to the park. After that we came home for lunch, where N was working ( a good thing in these scary financial times) and passed on a bunch of work to me. Thus, we didn't have time to decorate our eggs today, but will have a fun project to do tomorrow. I was in a great mood earlier, but now I feel a little bit grumpy. I'm not sure exactly why; possibly it has to do with an upcoming job N has taken. Although I think that being alone for short (maybe) stretches might be good for me in some ways, the things that are good for us spiritually are often painful in the beginning, and sometimes they are painful all the way through. I hate being separated from N. I do believe that the Goddess works in mysterious ways, and I've seen her work in my life often over the past couple of weeks. Too many things have happened to be called coincidence and I am clinging to that in the hopes that the coming months will yield some wonderful fruits, financially, artistically and spiritually. Time will tell!

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