Monday, April 16, 2007

Happy Manic Monday!!!!!

Today wasn't actually too manic of a Monday for me, which is unusual. We had a great day, in fact. I took Bebe to the park in the late morning and we spent an hour or so running around like crazy, up and down the slides, ladders, stairs, and ramps. It was very windy and a bit chilly here today so my daughter lost interest in swinging on the swing after about four swoops back and forth. I opened my computer to news of the Virginia Tech shootings and have to wonder what is wrong with the people on our planet. It is frightening to think about being the victim of such a crime; those people didn't do anything to this madman, yet they had to be the object of his psychosis. They did nothing to bring about the fates that befell them; they were just going about their day, when suddenly the gates of hell clanged open. I am reading a fantastic book right now called "Judaism for Everyone" by Rabbi Shmuley Boteach. I'm learning so much about my faith, about my religion, about this awesomely cool heritage to which I am heir. In the book, Rabbi Boteach talks about the violence in the world, about the lack of spiritual grounding suffered by so much of the populace. It's a great book that, even in the early stages of reading, has helped me with some recent life situations. I love that my spiritual path can do that; it guides me when I don't have a clue as to what direction I should be going in, when I don't know how I should be reacting to a particular situation or to another human being's actions. For a long time I felt such a conflict with being both Irish and Jewish, but I feel like lately it's all coming together. I feel like that conflict can be okay; I can be both and embrace both wholeheartedly. I recently read an interview with an author who expressed a similar conflict in being both Jewish and from Yorkshire, England. She said that conflict has been a positive issue as far as her writing is concerned, and I can see where that tension could be a great driving force in my own artwork. Anyway, all is peaceful at this end of the computer and I'm grateful for that.

1 comment:

AndyT13 said...

What is it about Jewish girls?
I seem to have always had a thing for them, although it's still so hard for me to picture my little celtic starfairie as a good jewess.
Weird! Good for you though. Whatever works. Today is 184 days.
I feel like I should start counting backwards to a year now!