Friday, June 22, 2007

A Little Better Every Day

Well, I took a shot of Nyquil last night, which is something I hardly ever do. I dislike putting chemicals into my body which might be harsh, but last night I was desperate to take something which I knew would knock me out. I needed a good night's sleep; yesterday I was so tired I felt dizzy and lightheaded throughout the hours. I was unwilling to go through that again today. I'm happy to say that the Nyquil did its promised job and I feel a little bit better today. I'm still a bit lightheaded, due to the congestion in my head, but I feel a little better than I did yesterday and much better than I felt the day before that. I feel like my body should be healthy enough to be able to tackle this thing; I have on my side the fact that I don't smoke, am not overweight, and eat a reasonable healthy diet most of the time (occasional visits to McDonald's notwithstanding). Possibly the worst thing about feeling ill is that it takes away from my creative flow. I haven't felt like painting this week; I feel like anything I put onto the canvas will be coming from such a muddled place that it won't be good. I don't believe I can focus the way I need to when my head feels like it's swimming on air. Maybe I'll try a bit today. I do have some butterflies which I cut out of construction paper; I'd planned on painting and decorating them with my daughter yesterday in honor of it being the first day of summer (Summer Solstice/Litha) but we ran out of time. Maybe today we'll do that. At least it's something creative, and I get to do something fun with my little one, who is all too easy to bore these days!!!! I hope everyone else's day is blessed and healthy. Y

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