Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Attitude is Essential for Survival

I love Madonna. Maybe I'm just a child of the 80's, but I love her for her intelligence-she knows how to make people think by stirring them up emotionally and she knows how to stay on top of her game by constantly evolving and changing. She started out humbly and worked her butt of to get to where she is now, and I love that she has never let anybody stop her from being successful. No matter what people say about her, she keeps pushing forward; she has chutzpah. I might not agree with everything she does, but at least I can respect her drive and tenacity.

My car wouldn't start today when we came out of the supermarket. There I was with my daughter in the 90 plus heat, trying in vain to get the engine to turn over. I called DH, who told me he would come to help me get it running via a push start, but after 45 minutes I decided to try getting it started again ( I actually tried twice before also) and, voila, it started up and I was able to drive home. Of course, by then DH had arrived; he was right by the market when I called to tell him we were okay. I was grateful that it started at all. I need to take it to the shop on Friday when hopefully they will fix it. And this, of course, is a minor annoyance in a world where there is much trouble abrew.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Her Time Goes By Video is sooooooooooooo breathtaking.

You are not just a child of the 80s...MaDonna is doing what Britney never will.

She is ever evolving, and she is the best she's been since Frozen (imo)