Why am I still up and on the computer at, let's see, 11:38 p.m.??? Wellllll, it's about the only time I can spend screwing around online these days; I finally admitted to myself that daytime blogging/surfing is, for the most part, an impossible inturruption to the normal routine. I have too many other things going on to justify the time spent on the computer, unless it's on stuff pertaining to the enhancement of said "normal routine". Plus, I just watched an hour of Paranormal State and found myself thoroughly creeped out and unable to drift right off to sleep. Tonight's show was about demonic possession, a subject I find to be quite terrifying in spite of the fact that I am, in most cases, immediately skeptical when someone claims to be possessed by an entity of the demonic variety. That said, I am also open minded and believe that people can be possessed by entities; I just think that our own personal spiritual beliefs can color such experiences (have you ever noticed that most people who are possessed by demons seem to be Catholic or of some other belief system which places an ephasis on the devil??? You hardly, if ever, see a Jew or a Buddhist or a Pagan in this position, at least, on television and in popular literature.). While I do believe that negative entities exist (I believe that I have encountered one or two in my lifetime thus far) I am unclear as to what they are. When I was in the early stages of adulthood and living in my grandparents' house, I would often feel a presence in my bedroom there; I never saw anything, but I would suddenly feel as though I was not alone and that something or someone of a malevolent disposition was in the room with me. Many, many nights I spent tucked into bed with a book, trying to read until I fell asleep from sheer exhaustion. To this day, I do not know what I was experiencing in that room. My Grandparents were the only people to own the house and I don't think anyone else ever felt anything there. I never mentioned my experiences to anyone in my family; I understood how crazy it would have sounded. Indeed, even today I know that to some people it still sounds crazy, and maybe it was all just a result of some inner turmoil that was going on or something. It felt very real at the time, though. The feeling that would wash over me some nights can only be described as a sort of terror. Years later, my Grandfather passed away in that room after a brief but serious illness. I haven't had occasion to enter it much since that day.
Today, I understand the importance of blessing a home either before moving in or as soon as possible directly afterward. One need not complete an elaborate ritual, though what sort of ritual you choose is dependent upon which religious/spiritual path you follow. For me, a simple ritual with a white candle, some salt water and a spoken blessing did the trick. Because I spoke this blessing in every single corner of every single room in our house (I waited until a few months after we moved in to do this, after I'd realized the house needed some protection) the whole process proved to be time consuming, but I felt better afterward and our place felt a bit "lighter". I highly recommend that prior to moving into any new domicile, you either bless it or have it blessed. It can't hurt, and it's a nice way to start fresh in a new home.
Okay, I think I feel better now. I'm heading off to bed. 5 AM comes very early in these parts!!!!