Friday, February 29, 2008
Busy Busy Busy
Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Thursday, February 21, 2008
A Very Quick Post
Here is another good one:
and another:
Okay, getting off the soapbox now and heading to my meeting.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Sunday Night Back Home
We had a great time in Orlando, in spite of N's friend not contacting us until Saturday morning. We debated about making the trip, then decided to just go; we figured that if he didn't get in touch with us we could always go to Disney or SeaWorld! As it turned out, F hooked up with a girl at the tradeshow he'd flown down to attend, and we met up with him on Saturday morning. Friday night we stayed at an inexpensive hotel which was also occupied by many of the participants in a rodeo which took place on Saturday night. We really wanted to go to the rodeo but couldn't wait until 7PM on Saturday, so instead we went to a fair that was taking place at the rodeo grounds. Most of the rides were geared toward small children, so my daughter had a great time. We even talked my husband and his friend into taking a ride on the ferris wheel. N has a discomfort with heights that I wasn't familiar with until yesterday; I'm okay with heights as long as I feel like I'm not going to fall. Our daughter loved it! We even got F to come along. Later in the day we visited the Ripley's Believe it Or Not museum, which was a fun time. After eating a late dinner we all crashed; F had to catch a 6AM flight (bummer) so he was out by around 3AM. I finally got out of bed at 8AM; I couldn't take being kicked in the back or smacked in the face by my little one anymore. She tosses and turns ALOT when she sleeps, and for our little family to sleep in one bed usually means my husband and I don't get a quality night of sleep. Needless to say, tonight I will be sleeping VERY soundly.
(ps: picture above is not mine, but should be credited to
Friday, February 15, 2008
Shufflin' Off to Orlando

Happy weekend!
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Rainy Wednesday
I had my gym bag packed and in the car early this morning, but when Little One woke up she had a scratchy, sore throat and a nasty cough, so we're staying home today. The skies are grey and the rain is falling on and off, sometimes in a downpour, sometimes in a drizzle. I like days like this sometimes. Perpetual sunshine has a negative effect on me. I like it, but not every day. My plan today is to go to Whole Foods Market for some good, organic produce to make dinner with tonight, and possibly some sort of natural sore throat remedy that is safe to give my daughter. N has been telling me for the past two nights (she's been courting this cough for a couple of days, but today it is suddenly worse) to give her Dimetapp, but I hate giving her that stuff unless I absolutely feel the need. I feel that organic foods digest more easily and I feel better when I go on "meat detoxification" diets here and there. If not for N, I think I could give it up altogether, but he's a country boy from Louisiana, and he's loathe to give up his steaks. As I type sirens wail in the distance. This rainy weather is useful for causing vehicular accidents; another good reason to stay home for most of it. After our trip to Whole Foods Market we'll come home and do a stained glass project which I bought for us to do together in honor of Imbolc. Brighid (Imbolc is also the feast of Brighid) is the Goddess of metalwork, fire, and mothers, among some other things, and Imbolc is, in part, about the strengthening of the sun in the approaching spring and a festival of light. I thought that, given these factors, stained glass would be appropriate (I bought a kit where we can paint the glass). I hope everyone else out there has a wonderful Wednesday, rain, snow, or whatever comes your way!