Friday, December 28, 2007
Back Home from N.O.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
War is Over???
Monday, December 17, 2007
2 Miles
There is lots of holiday madness going on here in South Florida. Recent violent episodes at a nearby mall have taken the "mall wind" out of my shopping sails (not that there was much more than a breeze there before anyway). The most recent attack occurred on a woman with an eight year old daughter; they were found dead in the parking lot at Town Center Mall in Boca Raton and robbery was the suspected motive. Moms with kids are great targets for cowardly thieves who want an easy mark and I am constantly on the alert for suspicious people who might be hovering nearby when we're getting into my car. The problem is that it is impossible to be fully aware of what is going on around you when you're trying to get a three year old to climb into her carseat and then sit still long enough to be buckled in. This danger lurks everywhere-at the supermarket, the library, anyplace we have to go to do anything. I pray that the above killer is caught soon; it is troubling that violence here seems to be on the rise.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Yoram Ranaan
I'm floored, awed, inspired.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Art and Other Musings
Saturday, December 08, 2007
Sniffle Snuffles
My Mom recently found out that my brother, who has been MIA from the family for about two years, might have been living in California recently. She sent an invitation to him, which was forwarded to a military base in California and then delivered back to her because he was no longer at that location. This is disturbing to me because my brother is in the Marines but got out about two years ago. With this never ending war going on it's possible that he got called back in, and he could be anywhere right now. I don't like the idea that he could be in Iraq right now, getting shot at for the drunken frat boy who has driven this country into a ditch. I can feel a rant coming on so I'll spare everyone and sign off.
Thursday, December 06, 2007

Wednesday, December 05, 2007
2nd Night and a Christmas Dilemma it's about an hour later. Dinner is done, my husband went out and I'm not sure if he went to the show or to a regular guy's meetup that he sometimes attends on Wednesday nights. He was upset about us not attending the show as a family and now I'm hit with the "what if" guilts. What if our daughter would have loved the show, if she, by some miracle, sat through the whole thing and loved it, and now I'm depriving her of that experience? What if we went and all had a great time? What if this? What if that? It seems this was a no win situation. Although I know in my heart that Bebe would never have sat through the production, I feel guilty that we didn't go. In my heart, I know that I wasn't sure I wanted Little One watching the story of Jesus's life, even though I don't have anything against Jesus, just the Christianized interpretation of who he was. I don't have any problem with someone else believing in the Christian faith either, but I'm uncomfortable with taking our Jewish daughter to a show that has been lauded online as a program that has driven many to the faith of Christianity. Do I want to attend a show that's main goal is really to proselytize? The fact that I'm so upset about this really drives into the heart of my own love of Judaism; suddenly I'm super Jewish or something. **Abundant sighs.** Confused by some things, I am, but I know what I'm not. And, I know what my daughter is not. I just don't always know the right road to take with all of this parenting/wife stuff.
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
First Night
I've posted at different times about the spiritual path I walk, and how it, at times, separates greatly from any one solid organized religious way. I feel so strongly pulled toward my Celtic roots that it's hard for me to completely look away from them when it comes to how I connect with a Higher Power. That said, I am also intensely happy to be a part of the Jewish people. I might not be the "best Jew" around, I might not live my life in a completely kosher way, I might not believe everything Judaism tells me, but I love being Jewish just the same. Maybe someday I will completely walk the path of Judaism. I did recently find a book in a catalogue about how Judaism is connected with the wilds of nature and that interested me. To me, any sort of spirituality has to come from what's "out there": in the woods, on the beaches, in the wild grasses of mountain meadows, in the swampiness of the everglades, in the sparkling northern snowfalls. I do feel close to both my Irish roots and my Dutch Jewish ones; I need to celebrate them both, but maybe one day I'll find a way to accomplish that within the boundaries of Judaism. Right now, I'm where I'm at today, and I'm happy today with that!
Monday, December 03, 2007
Tired, Tired, Tired

Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Early HNT

Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Say Hello to The Muscovy Duck
Monday, November 19, 2007
Children in Our Adult World
One of the reasons I'm considering homeschooling for my daughter is that I'm dissatisfied with the way schools have changed. Kids are coming home with more homework than ever, leaving them little time for personal activities or just plain leisure time (which everyone needs in order to re-group). This past year the schools decided to resume in August, which created an uproar from parents who'd planned family vacations during time when their kids were being told they had to go back to school. Call me crazy, but I think there is little precious time for family as it is, and I believe that's part of the problem with children today. I applauded the parents who decided to take those vacations anyway; kids will remember the great time they had with Mom and Dad visiting the mountains, camping in the woods, etc. and the experiences they have on those trips might help make them into better people-life is all about the experience! Family vacations can create priceless memories which will last a lifetime for children and parents alike. I don't think many of us have fond, priceless memories of math class. Or of any class, for that matter. This is not to say that education isn't important. It's extremely important. I'm a firm believer that quantity does not quality make, however. Taking art, music and physical education (although I have to interject here that I hated gym class) away from our children (and aren't these always the activities that seem to be cut out?) does not help them to grow into well rounded, interesting adults. The two classes that saved my sanity in school were art and literature. Indeed, art was the subject that prompted me to attend college. Without my art classes, and the wonderfully crazy man who taught them, I would have been lost and bored in High School.
Last night at the mall a woman scowled at my daughter because she bumped into her. My daughter is three years old and certainly it was not her intention to slow this woman down. Her little legs were busy running with me trying to catch up with Hubster, who had plowed far ahead of us with the baby carriage, lost in his own thoughts of getting home. I will acquiesce that this woman was tired from an evening of shopping, but I'm still annoyed by the fact that most people these days seem to be so centered on their own thoughts and interests that having to momentarily slow down to allow for the stumble of a small child makes them angry. My thoughts wander to a story I read about a woman being escorted off an airplane because her young child wouldn't stop talking. Is our world so hurried, are the things we're doing so important that we can't allow for the chatter of a toddler???
On a final note, I'd like to say this. When you insult, emotionally abuse, or reject my child, you reject and hurt me as well. If you push my child out of your way, expect that I will react as if you'd pushed me. While I try to walk the path of peace, I'm tiring quickly of living in a world where our needs as adults often surpass the needs of our children, and the needs of children in the world at large (I'm thinking right now of this ongoing mess of a war, in which innocent children are being killed, probably more often than CNN is telling us about). The lyrics "What might save us, me and you, is if the Russians love their children too.." from Sting's 80's hit rings in my ears. What might save us in this rushed, hurried, messed up world is caring about what we're leaving behind for our children, and/or the children of others or believing that all children are our children and treating them as such. Maybe sometimes it's good to slow down, to stop what we're doing so that we can see that we're trampling the feet of a little person who's beliefs about people just might be formed, in part and in some way, by how we're treating him/her in the moment. Children are beautiful, and they have the ability to teach us so much about ourselves, if we'll only put the cell phone/remote control/newspaper/shopping cart aside long enough to listen to what they have to say.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Saturday Saturday Saturday
We're going to a concert tonight-I think it to see Bob Weir's band but I'm not sure. I'm game for anything that involves dancing and listening to good music!
Friday, November 16, 2007
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Back Home
On another note, the camping trip was good. I love camp coffee on a cool morning, the stars were amazing. We camped next to a creek; at night the mist rolled across the water and the stars twinkled against a deep velvety backdrop of night sky. I'd forgotten how many stars there are in the night sky, which is a sad statement about how much light pollution has robbed those of us living in cities from the glorious hobby of lying on the ground and just dreaming at the sky with a friend or loved one (or both). N and I took a boat ride down Fisheating Creek on Sunday and it was serenely beautiful. We did meet up with an alligator, which set my heart to racing as I am not fond of alligators when they are in close proximity. While my rational mind tells me that, as a general rule, alligators are not any more fond of being close to humans as I am to them, the other part of my mind races to those stories about people getting snatched into the water while standing by the side of Florida lakes and ponds. Nasty buggers, those alligators.
We camped with another couple. The husband is someone we already knew and he was cool. He's very into the outdoors, the sort of fellow who can name a bird just by hearing the call. In the middle of the night on Saturday we heard the hoot of an owl (so cool). In the morning when I described the hoot to him he was able to discern that the owl was a Great Horned Owl. I checked his bird field guide, and, sure enough, Great Horned Owl it was! I'm not sure his wife liked us, and that was a bit uncomfortable. My husband and I both have a rather layed back demeanor and tend to get along with most people. His wife, well, I'm not sure about her. She didn't seem to want to engage with us, barely even talking to our daughter. Our daughter is three and extremely cute (other people tell me this, so forgive my apparent gloating) and hardly anyone can resist interacting with her. I suppose if she didn't enjoy our company that was her problem, not ours. We had fun in spite of the unpleasantness of the situation between our camping companions. (There is much more to this situation than I will post here due to the sensitive nature of the subject.) Our neighbor was a rather nice older man, a veteran who visits this campground often. He was camping alone, knew our campmates, and spent lots of time hanging out by the fire with us, beer in hand, lending a happy air to our temporary residence grounds.
Now we're home again. Little One has gymnastics today, so I'm off.
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Goin' Campin'!
I spent a good chunk of the afternoon today in the woods with Little One and it was wonderful. I did a bit of spirit work while I was out there, as I've been in a place of deep melancholy and needed to get out of that. There is nothing like walking in the woods to bring a person back into a better frame of mind. My attitude changes when I'm around lots of trees! We started out on the longer trail first (we were at a nature conserve); I walked it while Little One rode in her carriage. Then we took the shorter trail, along which she walked on her own, picking up colorful leaves (yes, we did find some fall colored ones, even here in Florida!) and sticks, and checking out the various flowers, mushrooms and wildlife. She accidentally touched a bright orange fungus that was growing out of the side of a fallen tree limb and pulled back in shock at it's squishiness-the look on her face was one of shock and amazement. Later in the day we placed the leaves she found between two peices of wax paper and I ironed it to seal them inside. Now we have a wall hanging to commemorate our day! A good day it was.
We are going camping for a few days, leaving tomorrow afternoon. We bought some supplies and such tonight and will pick up more food once we get up there. We are all very excited, as we love camping but don't get to go too often. So many of the months here are too hot to camp out, and Hubby has difficulty getting away from work because he's the boss and always has too much to do to be able to leave town. I hope y'all have a fantastic long weekend. Be safe and well!
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Back Again
Blahdy Blahdy Blah
Monday, November 05, 2007
The Past Re-Visited
Sunday, November 04, 2007
A New Week Ahead" >Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from S e x i l u v . c o m
We had a good weekend. Saturday was fairly boring, since Hubby didn't feel good and I was unmotivated to take Little One out by ourselves. Today we went downtown with some friends who also have a small child (he's two). Our friends also were sitting around the house bored to tears with nothing in mind to do and so called us to see if were interested in hanging out, which, of course, we were. We had lunch at a restaurant at nearby Riverwalk in Fort Lauderdale, walked around a bit, and then came back to our house. The weather was GLORIOUS today-breezy and warm with a much lower humidity level from what we've had to endure during the summer months. Could fall finally be here??? The boys went riding while P and I hung out at the little park in our development. It was a fun day; I wish they lived closer to us so we could go out together more often. I did locate a homeschooling group which looks promising. Whether or not we decide to homeschool our daughter, the group might provide a good starting ground for us. She is so inquisitive now and I feel I need some support in providing her with some early education. Also, meeting some other area Moms would be great! I find I Iearn so much through interacting with other parents, and the social aspect of doing so is something I need as well. It's been three years since I've been in an out of the home work environment and some days I crave contact with other adults!
Friday, November 02, 2007
Blooming Childhood

I'm glad that I have the tools of recovery and spirituality in my life to help me deal with issues that otherwise would completely overwhelm me. Because of my program of recovery, I am unwilling to sit in a puddle of helplessness and let despair and fear seep into me until I'm rendered inactive. Fear makes me uncomfortable; when confronted with it in any of its many forms my reaction is usually to find a solution that makes me feel more comfortable. Sometimes this takes ten minutes, sometimes this takes two weeks. In the end, however, I cannot stay in fear indefinitely because I know that reveling in it for too long will lead only to destruction of some sort. Now that I have a child, inaction is no longer an option. From my spiritual path, I gleaned some very important information this morning through doing some spiritual work, work that is more easy to do at this time of year when the veil between the worlds is a bit thinner and ancestral contact a bit easier.
I am grateful in this day.
Monday, October 29, 2007
White Dove Re-Visit
Friday, October 26, 2007
Homesick Blues
Thursday, October 25, 2007
October Wind
This picture comes from Shelley Walsh, from a gallery I found online entitled "Rural Warrington". They are beautiful pictures that really make me think of the Fall season back home.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
A Visitor
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
A Possibly Fried Compressor

Alternatively, I can dream about the above model, a Northstar retro fridge which runs around $4,000.00. It's my favorite color and looks like it belongs in June Cleaver's house. Wouldn't it look great with a black skull and crossbones profile on it?
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Monday, October 15, 2007
Monday Again

Friday night we had a small family party with just one friend, Bebe's Godfather. I made an eggplant baked ziti ala Rachael Ray and we let Bebe open her gifts from us, a big dollhouse and a couple of other things. Earlier that day I was reminded of just how tenuous life can be, and just how vulnerable our little ones are as children and how vulnerable we are as parents. Our daughter gave us a quite a scare, the details of which I won't go into, but suffice to say that I am grateful today that we had some good spirits looking out for us on Friday. There is nothing like parenthood to make a person realize how fragile life can be, for the love of a parent for a child is like no other kind of love that exists on this earth!
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Sweet Blessings

Hubby and I bought our daughter her birthday presents today while a friend babysat. I think she will be excited when she opens them-we bought her a dollhouse with some additional furniture, and a Leap Frog letter spelling toy with the money my aunt sent to buy her something from us. The party is set for Saturday and today I found out from a girl friend that she will probably be coming with her little daughter. Hooray!!!! Another little one at the party!!!! I think my friend L in Miami will also be in attendance, which makes me happy as we've been close for many years and I'd hoped she'd be able to make it.
Another day closes.
Saturday, October 06, 2007
Saturday Sunshine
Friday, October 05, 2007
Birthdays and Other Sundries

Today we need to run errands. It's a rainy grey day here and I would like nothing more than to stay here making Halloween/Autumn crafts with Little One, but work needs to be done in spite of my not wanting to do it. I have to go to FedEx, the Humane Society (a friend of mine is missing her cat and I said I'd check there since she can't get out), Walgreens (twice), my friend's house, the library to drop off a video (they only let you take the cursed things out for five days). I'm tired just thinking about all of this stuff. And the work I have to complete also entails some things I need to do at home in the way of cleaning and writing out the ever present bills. Sigh.
So far we have an autumn leaf garland, some orange sparkly skeletons, a spider web and spider that I made from black construction paper this morning, and a few store bought tchatches of the Halloween nature as our seasonal decorations. Somehow, I'm turning into a Martha Steward wannabe or something. How did I go from rock and roll to Martha Stewart Living???? She's been to jail, so she's kind of tough now, right? Whatever. Suddenly I'm a suburban house Mom. No minivan though. No minivan.
Friday, September 28, 2007
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Oy Vay is All I Can Say

Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Feeling Pretty Good
Monday, September 24, 2007
And Now for My Next Trick...

Friday, September 21, 2007
Happy Yom Kippur

Wednesday, September 19, 2007
You scored as Mary Read, You are very unconventional, you defy the rules as often as you can and like to take as many risks as possible. You will probably end up living happily under a bridge somewhere laughing at all the unsavory deeds you once instigated.
What kind of Pirate are you? created with |
Hmmm, I took the pirate quiz and this is what I came up with. Pretty right on, although I hope to never be living under a bridge!!! Arghhh!!!! Happy Talk Like a Pirate Day!