It's Thursday night, all is quiet and I have a pot of beef stew simmering on the stove. News from Israel made me cry earlier; I watched a newscast from Israel and it was frightening. The only thing that made me feel better was learning that many of the Labanese people don't agree with the recent violent actions that have been taken against Israel and some have actually gone to Israel to fight alongside the Israelis. I believe in my heart that G-d gave Israel to the Jewish people and that ultimately anyone who harms us will find nothing but pain and trouble. When I write this I do not mean that G-d doesn't love people of all religions, because I believe He does, just that others should maybe think about being open minded to the fact that although we might worship in different ways, live according to different traditions, and have different rituals through which which we keep our connection with G-d strong, that doesn't mean that we don't all enjoy an equal relationship with our Higher Power. Call Him whatever you want; I have to know what is right for me, as a Jew. I need to follow the path I was called to follow, to be the person G-d wants me to be. If I'm following the rituals that were given to my fellow tribesmen (and women) to keep us close to G-d, studying Torah, praying every day, keeping the Sabbath (I don't always succeed at this to the letter, but I'm doing the best I can right now), etc., I remain strong in my faith and I feel close to G-d. When I let these things slide I don't feel as close to G-d and I become more subsceptable to the lure of other religions. Since my husband isn't Jewish, this is even more of an issue for me. It's easier for me to follow his religion, less lonely going to church with him that to synagogue "alone", but the cost to my own peace of mind is too great. My soul is a Jewish soul; I cannot deny this any more than I can deny that I am a member of the human race. The crisis in Israel has only made me feel closer to her. And, I feel very grateful to be home tonight eating beef stew with my family. Just for today.