Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Glad to Be Warm!
Ahhh, it's warm here and sunny; it was about 75 degrees today. I checked the weather back home and it was a balmy 20 degrees, weather I am no longer used to after living in Florida for about nine years. As much as I hate the hurricane season, I do love it here during the winter months. My dream would be to someday do as the Canadiennes do, and visit here during the cold months only. Then, when the winds began to blow I could amskray back up north where it's relatively safe. The only thing I ever had to worry about in Boston was those damned wharf rats..... I had lunch today with some friends-Thai food. I love Thai, the baby wasn't so impressed. Too spicy, maybe, for her little tastebuds. She ate rice and a little tofu. I'm still going strong with the vegetarian diet and feel good about it. I feel like I'm doing something that for me is ethically correct, and how can you go wrong when you're doing something that you feel is ethically correct??? Well, unless you're a psychopath or something.
Sunday, February 26, 2006
My How Life Changes
Monday, February 20, 2006
Monday Afternoon-blogging around
Another Monday is here and I can tell I'm a true Floridian now because I have flip flop tan lines on my feet. I always forget to put sunblock on my feet; oh well. I had a nice morning with my daughter walking around a nearby park. There is a walkway which extends over the mangrove swamp and she and I walked the length of it to a gazebo at the end. I was able to take a few good shots of her there; it's nice to get some pictures of her someplace other than home. I love this picture of Marilyn because she was in her 30's when this picture was taken, and maybe on the brink of discovering the wisdom that comes with not being a "kid" anymore. Alas, she never had a chance to ditch the total sexpot image and move into the role of the sexy older chick, more mature and experienced, maybe stronger and more self assured. People think she was a ditz but really she was quite intelligent; maybe that's why she had so much difficulty with all the b.s. of Hollywood... Anyway, artists often suffer much for their creativity, of this I am well aware.
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Happy Love Day
Monday, February 13, 2006
Friday, February 10, 2006
Good Shabbos to those of you for whom it's relevant. I for one am happy that it's almost Friday night. I guess I really can't complain; I spent two hours outside at the park with my daughter, enjoying the sunshine with a girl friend of mine, while many are anticipating snow. And, really, if my daughter is happy at the end of the day I feel good. I feel like I've helped accomplish something really great and special. I've really been running on faith this week, using the Torah portion (which is about the exodus from Egypt and the parting of the Sea of Reeds) as an example of how God does miraculous things in our lives but sometimes we can't exactly see that he is doing something good when we're in the middle of all kinds of bad stuff. Moses was in the ocean all the way up to his nose before God told him to raise his staff and parted the sea. This tells me how important it is to have faith, to keep walking forward even when the situation seems dire and we're not sure what is going to happen, to have the faith that things are going to turn out okay. I believe God wanted Moses to raise his staff because in life God wants us to take an active part in the things that happen in our lives and to make the conscious choice to trust Him and to move forward. He could have parted the sea without Moses raising his staff, after all, He is God! But, I think it was important for Moses to take an active role in what happened next, to show God that he trusted Him and was willing to press forward even against seemingly very bad odds. And that's what we'll do!!
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Another New Day
This has been a rough week so far. I'm trying to stay positive but aside from all of this IRS stuff I'm also experiencing a lot of financial insecurity due to the fact that no money has been coming in lately. People owe us money, but no one seems to be paying up and it's extremely frustrating and scary. This picture was taken in Colorado two years ago but I like it because it reminds me of a simple and nice time. Which is funny because at the time the picture was taken I had just gone through a horrible breakup and was in extreme emotional pain. Something about that western wind calms my soul, though. Another friend of mine just told me he's heading out to Durango this week-that makes four friends in Colorado. I feel like there is some sort of message here, but I can't convince hubby. Besides, if we're broke here we will really be in trouble if we move out west. So, I'm trying to take things a day at a time and stay positive. My cell phone just rang and it was said ex-boyfriend. Do I want to call him back??? We're still friends, but I'm wondering what he wants as we don't converse over the phone very often.
Monday, February 06, 2006
Monday Monday
Well, I spent the last couple of hours sifting through more paperwork for the IRS. Not fun, but I'm glad I got more done because now we're that much closer to being through with this mess. This needs to get done quickly; my skin is breaking out from the stress. On a good note, I got into contact today with an old tattoo shop friend who I haven't spoken with in years. The internet can be a super cool thing. I have work on me that this artist did and am glad that we can now keep in touch through email. All I have left to do tonight is wait for the pizza and give the baby a bath. I didn't paint today but have painted for the past three or four days straight and feel like I'm making progress on my latest painting. Due to that, I mentally feel much better than I would if I wasn't staying in a creative space.
Thursday, February 02, 2006
Screwing Around Again
Here I am messing around on the internet again. I should be painting-my soul needs a creative release. In a few minutes...If I don't pull myself from the computer soon the baby will be awake and I'll be kicking myself (which isn't as easy to do as it sounds) for not spending some time in my studio. Anyway, the IRS sucks ass. My husband received a letter yesterday telling him he's getting audited for 2001, which means lots of time sorting through lots of unorganized paperwork. Time that I would much rather spend living life. It has to be walked through, though. Actually, I thought if I put a catchy header on my blog maybe someone would actually look at it. I guess I need to start posting raunchy photos or something. My blog is just too boring!
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
Some Truths About Florida
It's a sunny Florida morning here so far, but while I was in the shower I was reflecting back on a recent trip to Rhode Island. A woman in the airport made a comment to me about how she would love to move to Florida so she could enjoy a "slower pace" of life. For some reason her comment annoyed the hell out of me, I guess because I've lived here for long enough to have shattered any past illusions I may have had regarding living here in "paradise". Following is a list of common fallacies and my responses:
1.) If you move to Florida you will enjoy a wonderful existance lounging at the beach drinking margheritas.
Truth: If you move to Florida you will most likely be working so hard to support yourself that you won't have much time to spend lounging on the beach. Unless, of course, you move here with lots of money. Most people who live here visit the beach at night and during the weekends, if they aren't working, which nice. But, don't expect to move here and suddenly be spending most of your time there.
2.) The cost of living is lower here.
Truth: The cost of living used to be lower here. I recently traveled back up north to Mass. and, believe me, the cost of living isn't any lower here than it is there. I pay $1200.00 a month for an apartment, spend more money on car insurance than I spent when I lived in city of Boston, and spend the same amount on groceries, etc., that I spend when I go back north to visit. Because of the demand for homes here (because of the glut of people moving here) the cost of even a crappy house is through the roof, and if you buy a house insurance rates are crazy due to our recent spate of heavy hurricane activity (which isn't expected to end any time soon). Despite the fact that the cost of living is beginning to skyrocket, the pay rates are not. Therefore, you could well find yourself trying to support your lifestyle while making less money than you made up north and spending just as much.
3.) Living in Florida is Paradise, all the time.
Fact: Having lived through two bad hurricane seasons, I know the reality of living in "paradise". I spent a full week back in October with no power, enjoying cold showers (when our water came back on) and trying to cook dinner on a camp stove. And we had a generator, which helps quite a bit. During the hurricane previous to Wilma we lost our power for three days. A girl friend of mine lost her home and decided to move the hell out of here. I have at least two friends who moved, one to Denver and the other to the mountains (okay, he actually just sold his house and is in the process of moving to the mountains somewhere) because of the hurricanes and the congestion caused by all of the new people moving here. Never in my life have a seen such a proliferation of crack cocaine abuse; twice I've had people try to sell me crack while I've been out riding my bicycle, and I wasn't riding my bike in a particularly bad area.
4.) Because we're in the south, people are friendlier in Florida.
Living in south Florida, where I live, is really like living in a hot version of New York City, due to the fact that half the people who live here have moved from New York (many of my friends here are transplanted New Yorkers). Half of the Italian New Yorkers living here think they just stepped out of a hip and slick episode of the Sopranos. Don't get me wrong, a few of those Italians are friends of mine, but it can be quite aggravating when one of them gets p.o.'d at you in the checkout line at the supermarket. It's dog eat dog in business, there are many, many people on the take, many scams in place to which it is easy to fall prey, and while I've made some good friends here, I've met lots of people who turned out to be genuinely psychotic. I was told when I moved here that most of the people who live here will turn on you on a dime and that it's wise to trust no one and I've sincerely found that to be true. Many of the good and true friends I've made here have eventually moved elsewhere because they became tired of the hurricanes and living in a perpetual state of mistrust. And that southern hospitality thing is a bunch of bs. I'd rather have someone tell me I'm a jackass to my face than act all nice to me and then stick a knife in my back as soon as I turn around.
5.) We enjoy a slower pace of life.
Truth: This might be true if you live in Key West. Life is definitely more relaxed there. Otherwise, it's a little more casual but not much slower. Maybe compared to New York City it's a little slower, but not compared to Boston, where I'm from. If you have a great work ethic you can do well here, because so many people do not. The truth is that no matter where you go you are going to have to work hard to be successful, and that truth holds here just as much as anyplace else. I spent the past four years busting my butt working in a law office and am relieved to be out of that business. I have experienced no less stress since moving to Florida, believe that.
All of this said, if you move here with an open mind and no expectation that your move southward will guarantee life in a Jimmy Buffet song, you might like it. I myself am looking toward moving to someplace with mountains and woods (most of the woods here are being cleared for condos). I will homeschool my child before I put her into a Florida school and subject her to the joke that is called education here. On the positive side, I met my husband here and we have a beautiful daughter. I've made a few good friends here. I found my spiritial truth here (and almost drowned doing an ocean mikveh after a hurricane-I think the Rabbi almost had a heart attack and the story will cause laughter throughout the temple for years to come). I've experienced many positive things while here, because I was open to positive things happening and to abandoning my preconceived notions about what Florida would be. But I'm tired of running from hurricanes, tired of the rudeness of people here, and tired of the hustle and bustle of the perpetual urban suburbia that exits here (aside from Fort Lauderdale and Miami, every place in south Florida is neither city nor is it suburban-it's kind of halfway in between). I'm tired of the hookers who walk up and down Federal Highway trying to make enough money to score a $20.00 hit of crack (it's getting better, but for a long time I couldn't even walk on Federal Highway without getting propositioned by someone hoping I was a hooker, and neither could any of the other women I know). I'm a hiker and a climber-my soul needs the mountains.
That's all from me for today.